The Walking Dead Under Investigation in New York After Zombies Fail To File Paperwork

Remember that video AMC sent around to every entertainment news website in the country earlier [...]

Walkers Lurk Below New York

Remember that video AMC sent around to every entertainment news website in the country earlier this week, bragging about how they scared the snot out of a bunch of usually-unflappable New Yorkers by hiding extras dressed as zombies beneath a subway grate and reaching up to grab at passersby? Well, New York's Metropolitan Transit Authority now says they're looking into the situation, as it seems AMC apparently didn't receive the necessary permits and consent to prank on the city streets and never talked to the MTA before removing the subway grates, filling them with zombies and replacing them. "We are deeply troubled by this video," an MTA spokesperson told WPIX. "We have forwarded it to the NYPD and are also conducting our own investigation." You can see the original video for yourself below.