Our favorite ragtag team of Rangers has had a difficult time of it as of late in BOOM! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but fans finally got to see the odds even up a bit in their fight against the Praetor in the list issue. That issue shows Ellarien breaking the Solarix into several pieces, as the power was meant to be shared amongst a team and not just held by one person. That’s when we see the team become a team of Solar Rangers, each one taking on a sleek Ranger design like their new ally, and we’ve got an up-close look at the stellar new suit designs straight from Power Rangers artist Simone Di Meo.
Videos by ComicBook.com
As you can see in the following slides, each Ranger got the Solar Ranger treatment, and this might just be the most stylish Rangers suits…well, ever. The helmets alone are some of the slickest ones I’ve seen, but each suit also got an injection of the cosmos, truly setting them apart from suits that have come before. They still retained their iconic Ranger colors though.
The Rangers also got major upgrades to their iconic weapons. Kimberly (Ranger Slayer) now wields a space-age looking Energy Bow, while Tanya’s nunchucks also got a nice upgrade. Several of the Rangers wield swords, but each one of them also got some tweaks, and you can check out all the designs for yourself in the following slides.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #39 is written by Marguerite Bennett, art by Simone Di Meo, and colors by Whitney Cogar, and letters by Ed Dukeshire. The issue will also feature covers by Jamal Campbell (main cover), Jordan Gibson (preorder cover), Xermanico (incentive cover), and Miguel Mercado (unlocked retailer variant), and you can check out the official description below.
“After the shocking revelations of last issue, the new team of Power Rangers make their final stand – and none of them will escape unscathed!”
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #39 hits comic stores on May 29th.
Tanya – Yellow Zeo

Name: Tanya Sloan
Ranger Team: Power Rangers Zeo
Weapon of Choice: Power Clubs (Nunchucks/Blade Combo)
Heckyl – Dark Ranger

Name: Heckyl
Ranger Team: Power Rangers Dino Charge/Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Weapon of Choice: Electric Boomerang
Kimberly – Pink Mighty Morphin

Name: Kimberly Hart/Ranger Slayer
Ranger Team:ย Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Weapon of Choice: Energy Bow
Cam – Green Ninja Storm

Name: Cameron Watanabe
Ranger Team: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Weapon of Choice: Samurai Saber
Andros – Red In Space

Name: Andros
Ranger Team: Power Rangers In Space
Weapon of Choice: Spiral Saber
Mike – Magna Defender

Name: Mike Corbett
Ranger Team: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Weapon of Choice: Magnaย Sword