Power Rangers

Power Rangers: Rumor Says Jenna Rae Frank Could Be The Next Red Ranger

Few names are more synonymous with Power Rangers than Jason David Frank, and according to a new […]

Few names are more synonymous with Power Rangers than Jason David Frank, and according to a new rumor, his daughter Jenna Rae Frank could be following in his Ranger footsteps.

The rumor comes from PopLurker, who evidently is hearing that Jenna Rae Frank is in line to be the Red Ranger of whatever Power Rangers series follows Power Rangers Beast Morphers, which will be the main show for the next two years. No other details are given, so we aren’t sure what is informing that rumor, but we’ll keep you updated if or when we hear more.

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Thing is, Frank seems more than up for it, as she reposted the article and said: “what do you guys think?” That definitely is making us wonder.

Thing is, it does make a lot of sense, and it wouldn’t surprise any followers of the franchise if this did happen. Fans have seen Jenna Rae Frank a lot over the past few years, as she has been a part of Jason’s My Morphin Life series for a while now, and over the past year or two has been more active at conventions, traveling with her dad to various panels and big events.

She’s also taken after her dad in the martial arts department, and while she’s only 14 she is already showing a knack for martial arts throwdowns that would fit right in with an episode of Power Rangers.

It would also mean we get another female Red Ranger, which fans have wanted since Lauren Shiba’s turn as the Red Samurai Ranger. Since that series there hasn’t been another female Red Ranger, and having Jenna Frank be the one to pick up that torch would certainly make a splash for Hasbro, especially since that future series will really be the first full-on Hasbro produced series, since Beast Morphers was already being developed by Saban before the Hasbro deal was announced.

If this does happen, Jenna’s character most likely wouldn’t be related to Tommy Oliver, as it has been established he has a son named JJ. Now, to be fair, they could always introduce a new wrinkle in the character’s life that brings in a daughter, or maybe they go the extended route with a niece or something, but more than likely it will be similarly handled like the Sudarso brothers were. Peter and Yoshi Sudarso play unrelated characters on-screen, but they had a chance to meet up in the recent Christmas episode of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel, which fans loved seeing.

Either way, this is quite interesting, but let us know what you think in the comments!