First impressions can go a long way, and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will definitely remember the Ranger Slayer’s for years to come.
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In a new preview of Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #9 (via AV Club) the Ranger Slayer introduces herself to the Rangers in stylish fashion. Billy detected an anomaly, but in no way did he expect it to be another Ranger. As is obvious from these first few pages, the Rangers don’t’ actually know who or what side she’s on. While her style is obviously edgier than the group’s current Pink Ranger, she does dismantle Goldar and his Putties for them, so is she really bad?
We’re betting she is, and the Rangers will find that out soon enough we suppose. Except for Zack maybe, since he’s in love and all.

As you can see, she makes Goldar and his crew look abysmal at best, completely slicing one unfortunate Putty in half. She hits a few others with her bow, and the action is made that much better by that amazing costume design from writer Ryan Parrott and artist Dan Mora.
[Start Gallery Call-to-Action Key=7386]
You can check out the preview in the gallery.
Eventually, the Rangers will learn the identity of the Ranger Slayer, and for Parrott, Kimberly was the perfect pick.
“Yeah, that is Kimberly from the Drakkon universe,” Parrott said. “When we first decided that Go Go was going to be a part of Shattered Grid, Kyle brought up that sort of a wild card of Kimberly that hadn’t been sort of resolved in Mighty Morphin. So when I heard that I was like, “That’s absolutely the person that should be coming back in time to deal with our, to deal with the Go Go Rangers. Because it was such a great opportunity to have a bunch of teenagers see a version of their future self, and have that sort of…and how all of them would have a very different reaction to that, and how it would affect all of their relationships and all the stories that were going on at the time with the team. And it just seemed like a perfect fit.”
You can learn more about the Ranger Slayer here.
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #9 is written by Ryan Parrott and drawn by Dan Mora with colors by Raul Angulo and letters by Ed Dukeshire. Variant covers were provided by Miguel Mercado, Audrey Mok, Dylan Todd, and Natacha Bustos. You can check out the official description below.
“As the Rangers deal with the fallout of Rita’s sinister plan and Matthew’s startling return, a new threat emerges with a shocking connection to Lord Drakkon.”
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #9 is in comic stores on May 2.