Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28 continues the epic Shattered Grid, which brings in even more Rangers from across the universe to the fray, and we’re here to help you keep track of them all.
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Spoilers incoming for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28, so if you haven’t read the issue yet you’ve been warned.
Lord Drakkon has taken his great campaign even further, invading the Ranger universes connected to the Morphing Grid and attempting to take their Morphers for himself. While the reason why remains a bit unclear, what is quite clear is that he’s succeeding, and has already taken down a variety of Rangers, absorbing more and more power in the process.
Between Go Go Power Rangers, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and the 2018 Annual, we’ve seen him go against several teams, including Zeo, Ninja Steel, In Space, Dino Charge, S.P.D, Samurai, Time Force, Lightspeed Rescue, and more. While some of their statuses are unknown (i.e. Ninja Steel and the rest of Zeo), we know many teams have either been defeated or scattered from this latest issue, as Kimberly and Jen have managed to collect those left from several teams.
This list is a collection of who appears in this week’s issue and who’s missing, giving you a handy dandy guide to who really makes up the Power Rangers resistance force against Drakkon and his forces. Spoiler alert, it isn’t massive by any means, and Drakkon has already made a sizable dent in the Power Rangers roster, making himself more powerful in the process.
This is likely to change with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #29, so we’ll update this list accordingly when that issue hits. In the meantime hit the next slide to find out who’s left to fight against Lord Drakkon for the fate of the Morphin Grid!

Currently, the RPM Rangers are probably the biggest threat to Drakkon’sย plans, as Doctor K is responsible for reverse engineeringย Drakkons’ Dragonย Cannons.
That has given her team and some of the other Rangers an advantage, as they are guarded against being splitย from the Morphing Grid. Unfortunately, as we see here Summer Landsdownย (RPM Yellow) has her Morpher taken away by Drakkon, who adds it to his collection.
Things look pretty bleak for the Rangers of RPM by issue’s end, but as of right now the whole team is still up and standing, aside from two notable exceptions. Gem and Gemma (Gold and Silver respectively) aren’t in the fightย right now, but we’ve seen them on a future cover, so odds are they’ll make an appearance soon.
RPM Team:
Scott Truman – Ranger Operator Red
Flynn McAllistairย – Ranger Operator Blue
Summer Landsdownย – Ranger Operator Yellow
Ziggy Grover – Ranger Operator Green
Dillon – Ranger Operator Black
Gem –ย
Gemmaย –ย

We last saw the S.P.D. Rangers pull out a victory againstย Drakkon’s forces in the Power Rangers 2018 Annual, but it seems they eventually fell against the Power Rangers villain.
Despite that setback, the crew is back to help out in the fight against Drakkon, Morphers or no Morphers. Drakkonย confirms he’s already faced them, saying “Sigh. You come here, after what I’ve already done to you?”
Before he can finish his next sentence though Sky sends him flying, as the S.P.D. Rangers still have abilities to call on even without their Morphers.
Now here onlyย the core team and Crugerย show up, so it isn’t known what happened to other Rangers like Kat Manx, Omega Ranger, and Nova Ranger. For the moment though, most of the S.P.D. crew is still standing.
Crugerย – Shadow Ranger
Jack Landorsย – S.P.D. Red
Schuyler ‘Sky’ Tate – S.P.D. Blue
Bridge Carson – S.P.D. Green
Elizabeth ‘Z’ Delgado – S.P.D. Yellow
Sydney ‘Syd’ Drew – S.P.D. Pink
Kat Manx –ย
Omega –ย
Nova –ย
Jenn Scotts (Time Force Pink)

Jen has been around since Shattered Grid first started, and has quickly become an important part of the resistance to Drakkon’sย takeover.
She, unfortunately, lost the other Time Force Rangers early on and barely got away herself, but since then she’s helped wherever she can in the fight against the villain. She’s also been a great source of informationย in regards to messing with the timestream, and explaining what can and can’t beย done.
That means she’s also been the bearer of bad news when it comes to consoling Kimberly about Tommy’s death.
Wesley Collins (maybe)
Vanished Through Portal
Lucas Kendall – Time Force Blue
Katie Walker – Time Force Yellow
Trip – Time Force Green
Eric Myers – Quantum Ranger
Joe Shihย – Time Force Silver
Lauren Shiba (Samurai Red)

Lauren Shibaย was one of the first Rangers the Mighty Morphin team rescued, intervening on her behalf as Drakkon’s forces looked to finish their conquering of the Shibaย House.
Drakkons’ forces managed to apprehend the other Samurai Rangers, taking their Morphers, though they did not end up taking Jaydenย into custody, as she mentions he is away before their fight with Drakkon’s army.
Since joining the team though she’s quickly showed off her impressive skill set, and in this issue she gets one of Dr. K’s upgrades, making her susceptible to the dragon Cannons.
Jaydenย Shibaย – Former Red Ranger
Kevin – Samurai Blue
Mia Watanabeย – Samurai Pink
Mike – Samurai Green
Emily – Samurai Yellow
Antonio Garcia – Samurai Gold
Carter Grayson (Lightspeed Rescue Red)

Having a firefighterย in the group can be handy, and luckily for the teamย Lightspeed Rescue’s Carter Graysonย fits that bill.
When Kimberly and Jen bring a rescued Karoneย on board, she isn’t in the best shape. Thankfully Carter has a background in emergency care (kind of comes with the firefighterย territory) so it seems she’s in good hands.
As for the rest of team Lightspeedย Rescue, their status is unknown at this time, but hopefully, Carter isn’t the only one left.
Chad Lee – Lightspeedย Blue
Joel Rawlingsย – Lightspeedย Green
Kelsey Winslow – Lightspeedย Yellow
Dana Mitchell – Lightspeedย Pink
Ryan Mitchell – Titanium Ranger
Koda (Dino Charge Blue)

One of the few teams to have multipleย Rangers still in the fight is Power Rangers Dino Charge, the first of which is Koda.
Kodaย is the team’s Blue Ranger and happens to be one of the more popular Rangers overall. He can be seen in the ship as well as on the ground fighting below untilย his powers are removed that is. Hopefully, we’ll get to see him show just what he can do next week though.
While most of the team is MIA, he does have one other Dino Charge Ranger next to him.
Tyler Navarro (Dino Charge Red)
Chase Randall (Dino Charge Black)
Riley Griffin (Dino Charge Green)
Shelby Watkins (Dino Charge Pink)
Sir Ivan (Dino Charge Gold)
Prince Phillip III (Dino Charge Graphite)
Kendall Morgan (Dino Charge Purple)

Joining Kodaย against Drakkon is Kendall Morgan, otherwise known as Dino Charge’s Purple Ranger.
Morgan has saved the Rangers more than a few times thanks to her impressive inventions, and while things don’t look good at the moment (thanks to Drakkon’sย Dragon Cannons), we do hope she gets back to Ranger HQ to help Dr. K, Alpha 5, and Jen Scotts come up with ways to take Drakkonย down.
Tyler Navarro (Dino Charge Red)
Chase Randall (Dino Charge Black)
Riley Griffin (Dino Charge Green)
Shelby Watkins (Dino Charge Pink)
Sir Ivan (Dino Charge Gold)
Prince Phillip III (Dino Charge Graphite)
Gia Moran (Megaforce Yellow)

The good news is that Koda and Kendall aren’t the only Ranger duo to make this list, as Power Rangers Megaforceย also has two Rangers in the resistance.
The first is Gia Moran, the Megaforceย Yellow Ranger. While other groups like S.P.D. had their Morphers taken away, Gia’s seems to be working fine, though like the others that could change next issue. Call us optimists though, because we’re hoping for the best.
Troy Burrows – Megaforce Red
Emma Goodallย – Megaforce Pink
Jake Hollingย – Megaforceย Black
Orion – Megaforceย Silver
Roboย Knight
Noah Carver (Megaforce Blue)

Gia is joined by Megaforce’sย Blue Ranger Noah Carver, who appears to have his powers in working order as well.
Noah and Giaย are the only accounted for members of the Megaforceย team, so the question is what happened to the rest of the team? There’s a chance they are one of the Rangers being held in Drakkon’sย compound, along with the Samurai Rangers most likely, or they could be dead.
As for Roboย Knight, we’re just hoping he didn’t meet the same fate that Alpha did in the Annual.
Troy Burrows – Megaforce Red
Emma Goodall – Megaforce Pink
Jake Holling – Megaforce Black
Orion – Megaforceย Silver
Robo Knight
Robert James (Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger)

The team of Jungle Fury seems to have fallen, all except for the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger Robert James.
Robert seems ready to go when they finally confront Drakkon’s forces, but the cavalry is in need of saving by issue’s end. As for the rest of the team, they are missing in action, and there’s no mention of the Spirit Rangers either. This book is full of surprises though, so maybe he still has an ace up his sleeve.
Casey Rhodes – Jungle Fury Red
Lily Chilmanย – Jungle Fury Yellow
Theo Martin – Jungle Fury Blue
Dominic Harganย – Jungle Fury Rhino
Spirit Rangers – Elephant, Bat, and Shark
Kira Ford (Dino Thunder Yellow)

Kiraย Ford seems to be one of the last Dino Thunder Rangers standing, as it is unclear what happened to the rest of her team.
That includes Tommy Oliver, who in the Dino Thunder series is the Black Dino Ranger. With what Lord Drakkon did to Zeo’sย version of Tommy, we’re sure Dino Thunder’s version has a target on his back, and here’s hoping he managed to survive.
As for Kira, she finds herself depoweredย by issue’s end with the others, but maybe not all is lost just yet.
Conner McKnight – Dino Red
Ethan James – Dino Blue
Tommy Oliver – Dino Black
Trent Fernandez-Mercer – Dino White
Karone (Lost Galaxy Pink)

This issue finds Kimberly and Jen finding a surviving Pink Ranger from Lost Galaxy, but as Jen admits later on, she is surprised to find out who it is.
That’s because the Pink Ranger they find is actually Karone, who used to be the villainousย Astronema. Fans know she was rid of evil thanks to purification wave and eventually ended up becoming a Ranger herself. You can check out our full analysis of that moment here.
It isn’ known what happened to the other Rangers, but we do expect Magnaย Defender to make an appearance at some point here, as he is supposed to be part of the brand new team after Shattered Grid concludes.
Leo Corbett – Galaxy Red
Kai Chen – Galaxy Blue
Damon Henderson – Galaxy Green
Maya – Galaxy Yellow
Magnaย Defender
Mighty Morphin

The current Mighty Morphinย Power Rangers team is down one Ranger thanks to Lord Drakkon, but aside from the loss of Tommy they are otherwise intact.
The team is a bit split up at the moment, as Jason is working alongside Lauren Shibaย to help the RPM Rangers defend Corinth, though that changes a bit in this week’s issue.
As for Zack,ย Trini, and Billy, they are over in Drakkon’s homeworld, working with the Coinless to find Ninjor and rescue him.
Kimberly is currently teamed up with Jen Scottsย as they attempt to rescue as many Rangers as they can, which in this issue includes Karone and the others on this list.