Shattered Grid: Power Rangers #26 Releasing Early

The next chapter of Shattered Grid hits comic stores this Wednesday, but fans will have a chance [...]

The next chapter of Shattered Grid hits comic stores this Wednesday, but fans will have a chance to read it as early as Tuesday.

The reception to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25 at retail has been immensely positive, so much so that Power Rangers #25 and Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #8 (the Shattered Grid Prelude) are both getting second printings. As for the next chapter, fans will be able to get Power Rangers #26 on Tuesday night right just before midnight (via Bleeding Cool).

Now that's not ever comic book store mind you, so you'll want to call up your local one and make sure they're participating. If they are however you can get your hands on the anticipated issue sooner than later, and that's never a bad thing.

The issue will pick up after the big events of the last issue, which featured Lord Drakkon taking out Tommy Oliver. The newest preview shows the Rangers dealing with the fallout of that as well as mourning their teammate and friend, but there will likely be a few more surprises before issue's end.

BOOM! Studios won't be the only publisher releasing books early, as DC Comics is also releasing Action Comics #1000 at the same time, in addition to all their usual titles.

As for Shattered Grid, you can check out our interview with the creative team behind the big Power Rangers event here, explaining the decision behind Tommy's fate and what else Lord Drakkon has in store.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26 is written by Kyle Higgins and drawn by Daniele Nicuolo with a cover by Jamal Campbell. The official description can be found below.

"After the shocking events of the last issue, Lord Drakkon's victory seems assured-unless the Rangers can find a way to team up with another team of Power Rangers they've never met before!"

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26 is in comic stores on April 18.

You can check out our spoiler-free review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26 here.