Star Trek: Picard: LeVar Burton Comments on Geordi's Return, Teases Uniforms, Reveals Spoiler

The Star Trek: The Next Generation's cast reunites in Star Trek: Picard's third and final season, including LeVar Burton returning as Geordi La Forge. While out promoting the new Reading Rainbow documentary Butterfly in the Sky. He spoke to Yahoo recently and expressed his delight at being able to give Geordi and the rest of the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew a proper sendoff after plans for a fifth movie after Star Trek: Nemesis fell through.

"We're all done now and it was an absolute blast," Burton said of Picard's third season (via TrekMovie). "It was so good to be together. I mean, we're all very, very close anyway. We try to get together once a year for Christmas, but during COVID we weren't able to do that, so being able to get together at the end of last year and the beginning of this year was really cool for us.

"And then to put on our space suits and play these characters again! We all thought the ship had sailed on a conscious goodbye. When we made our last movie, Nemesis in 2002, we expected there to be another one, and then things changed. So this was a great gift to us. This season of Picard is a love poem to Next Generation and we get to see these people that we grew to know and even love at this new point in their lives."

Burton also revealed what is likely a minor spoiler and some casting news. His daughter, Mica Burton, will play Geordi's daughter.

"It was a lot of fun on so many levels," Burton says. "I also get to work with my kid: my daughter, Mica, plays one of Geordi's two daughters. So the whole storyline really is about the next generation of The Next Generation in many respects."

Lastly, after Picard, Burton said he feels at peace with never playing Geordi again. "If I never put a spacesuit on again, I'm good. I feel like I got to put a period at the end of this sentence and close the book. Now if the book opens again, far it be from me to say no! [Laughs] But with all things being equal, I can honestly say — hand on my heart — if I never play Geordi for another moment in my life, I'm good."

Star Trek: Picard's first two seasons are streaming now on Paramount+.