With Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi hitting theaters and a brand new trilogy just announced, it’s looking like there will be no shortage of awesome Star Wars moments to come.
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Over the past 40 years, dating all the way back to the original film’s release in 1977, fans have been treated to many fantastic, and in many cases, iconic scenes. So it felt like as good a time as ever (and let’s be honest – when is it not a good time) to count down the 10 Best Star Wars Moments so far.
Now we’re only talking films here, as cool as Iden Versio is in Battlefront 2. So no shows, cartoons, fan fiction, etc. These are only moments from the film.
What are your favorite Star Wars moments? Make sure you check out the video at the top of the article for the full list. Or if you’d rather scroll down and read about our choices, well that’s okay too.
10. Han Solo’s Death
Starting off our list is the biggest moment from Episode VII: The Force Awakens – When Han Solo dies at the hands of his son, Kylo Ren. This moment pushes forward everything to come from the remainder of the trilogy and seems to be the irredeemable moment when Kylo Ren fully commits to the dark side.
9. Duel of the Fates
No. 9 comes from Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The impressive three way fight that sees Darth Maul take on Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Qui-Gon Jinn at the same time. Set to the theme of “Duel of the Fates,” the light saber duel is easily the highlight of Episode I, and a reminder of why Darth Maul came away from this film as the coolest new Star Wars character.
8. Anakin VS Obi-Wan Kenobi
Coming in the eighth spot is Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Anakin Skywalker from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Whether you loved the prequel trilogy or not, every true fan wanted to see the moment when Anakin turns into Lord Vader. This was that moment. The inevitable battle was Anakin’s final moment before his transformation into Darth Vader.
7. Opening Crawl
At No. 7 is the opening crawl from Episode IV: A New Hope. The moment in 1977 when John Williams’ powerful main title theme hit the ear drums of many young kids and the yellow words began to scroll up the screen over the backdrop of space was the moment that George Lucas earned a legion of fan boys. The opening crawl has become synonymous with every Star Wars film since and it will never not be a calling card for every film.
6. There is no try.
In the sixth spot we’ve got the wisdom of Yoda from Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Specifically when he utters the phrase, “Do or do not. There is no try.” Simple and effective, even if they did come from a tiny green muppet. Have wiser words ever been spoken?
5. The Cantina Scene
The fifth spot belongs to the cantina scene from Episode IV: A New Hope. The aliens scattered about the bar in Mos Eisley gave fans their first glimpse at the vastness and diversity within this universe. All shapes and sizes from all over the galaxy are represented here (many of the less reputable ones at that) and BONUS! This is the first time we were introduced to Han Solo and Chewie.
4. A Rogue One cameo
No. 4 is Darth Vader’s attack from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. In one awesomely frightening scene, fans got to see first hand why Darth Vader is so feared when Episode IV kicks off.
3. Han Solo’s so cool
No. 3 comes way of Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. The famed exchange between Princess Leia and Han Solo that perfectly encapsulates the rugged chemistry Harrison Ford brought to the table. When Leia says, “I love you,” and Han Solo replies with a smirk: “I know.” There is arguably no greater moment that showcases just how cool Han Solo truly was.
2. Darth Vader saves Luke
The second best moment from Star Wars goes down in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. When Darth Vader finally saves Luke by overcoming the dark side and throwing the Emperor down a reactor chute like a boss. It’s a moment that was masterfully done, leading up to the tearful finale where Vader unmasks and reveals the sliver of humanity he retained as Anakin Skywalker.
And No. 1 belongs to Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. You knew it was coming. That moment when Darth Vader cuts off Luke Skywalker’s hand during their awesome light saber duel, and then tells Luke who his poppa is by reaching out his hand and bellowing, “I am your father.” Easily the most recognizable, quotable (and often misquoted) Star Wars moment of them all.