The series finale of Star Wars Rebels aired one year ago, delivering audiences the fates of the Ghost crew, some of which were more open-ended than others. Fans were sharing memories of the series with the hashtag #RebelsRemembered on social media, with series creator Dave Filoni sharing a sketch he drew of Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano, teasing that it was from the characters’ future.
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โ Dave Filoni (@dave_filoni) March 6, 2019
Filoni shared the image and included the note, “Thank you all for sharing your memories of Star Wars Rebels. It was a wonderful show to make, and the entire crew is humbled by your outpouring of love and support with #RebelsRemembered. I tried to think of something to sketch for all of you today, but I couldn’t come up with something from the past, so I drew a possible future instead. It’s always good to check in on old friends, don’t you think?”
Understandably, seeing a new image of these characters after having spent a year wondering if we would ever see them again was sure to ignite speculation, with Filoni confirming he wasn’t coyly announcing a new project featuring the characters, merely offering one look at what the characters might have gotten up to.
Filoni clarified, “No, this is not a new show, just a drawing I did today for you, the greatest fans there are. Thank you.”
In the season finale, Ezra Bridger and Grand Admiral Thrawn jumped to hyperspace in a vessel whose windshield had been destroyed, hinting that the characters wouldn’t survive their confrontation. The series then depicted scenes taking place after the events of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, featuring Ahsoka and Sabine embarking on a mission to find Ezra, thinking that he had survived the encounter.
Filoni himself confirmed the pair survived the encounter in the Rebels Recon web series.
“I thought a lot about thatโฆ It’s one of those things that you go ‘Oh boy, I love the idea of an end credits scene!’” Filoni revealed about including a teaser involving the characters. “But as tempting as that is, I [decided that] if I cover that, then I want to do it right, and I don’t want to commit to things right now because things might change. So I have a lot of theories about it and what I think happens and where they are. I’ll say this much: they’re not dead. Both of them survive, both Ezra and Thrawn I would say survive it.”
Between how passionate fans have grown about these characters, the lack of updates on any of their narratives since the series’ conclusion, Star Wars: The Clone Wars returning for a final season on Disney+, and an expanding world of Star Wars movies and TV series, fans are crossing their fingers that we’ll get to see these iconic characters continue their adventures in some capacity.
How would you like to see the characters from Star Wars Rebels return? Let us know in the comments below or hit up @TheWolfman on Twitter to talk all things Star Wars and horror!
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