Star Wars: Episode VIII Face Swap Between Rian Johnson and Daisy Ridley is Terrifying

What do you do when you're sitting around between takes on a movie set? Break out Snapchat and [...]


What do you do when you're sitting around between takes on a movie set? Break out Snapchat and start some face-swapping, of course. That's what Star Wars: Episode VIII star Daisy Ridley (Rey) did with her director Rian Johnson, and the result was - well, just as terrifying as the vast majority of face-swaps tend to be.

"Rian Johnson and I face swapped and it was awesome and terrifying," Ridley wrote with the post. She also joked it's the first picture from set she's been able to post (though she's posted plenty of pics and videos of her in training, at least).

Johnson responded to the post, tweeting out "I cannot apologize enough for this." along with the instagram link. He also said, "ps Daisy is amazing," though, as they're clearly having fun while nearing completion of principal photography.

Star Wars: Episode VIII is filming now for a December 15, 2017 release. The film wraps production this month, and Johnson will appear at Star Wars Celebration next week to talk about the film - hopefully with an official title reveal in his pocket.