In the history of the Star Wars saga, animated adventures typically appeal to the younger fans, with the currently-running Star Wars Resistance being one of the more kid-friendly adventures in the franchise. Executive producer of the series Justin Ridge recently confirmed that, while the series may be skewing younger, there are many exciting stories in the future that might appeal more to older audiences.
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“It’s exciting, to tell you the truth. I think the show is fun because we’re kind of giving a little more of a lighthearted tone,” Ridge shared with CinemaBlend. “Because I think we definitely want younger audiences to really be into the show, but we definitely don’t want to exclude the older fans. We want to stay true to Star Wars and what has come before us. So even though it’s lighter in tone and has a little more comedy, we definitely have a lot in store that I think older fans are really going to enjoy.”
In the series, “Resistance fighter Poe Dameron tasks young pilot Kazuda (Kaz) Xiono with spying on the First Order. At the time, little was known about the secretive organization and its strength. In order to fulfill his mission, Kaz travels to the space station Colossus, which is being used by many ships as a port to refuel and do repairs. However, there are also dangerous races taking place there. After Kaz bragged with his piloting skills at his arrival there, he is soon drawn into one of the races…”
Resistance is undeniably lighter in tone, though it was renewed earlier this week for a second season. The last animated Star Wars series, Star Wars Rebels, similarly started with a relatively tame narrative before it evolved into an incredibly compelling narrative with mature themes. This isn’t to say that Resistance will get as dark, but with the series’ timeline coinciding with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it’s possible it could explore more intense subject matter down the line.
“The idea for Star Wars Resistance came out of my interest in World War II aircraft and fighter pilots,” co-creator Dave Filoni previously detailed about the series. “My grandfather was a pilot and my uncle flew and restored planes, so that’s been a big influence on me. There’s a long history of high-speed racing in Star Wars, and I think we’ve captured that sense of excitement in an anime-inspired style, which is something the entire team has been wanting to do for a long time.”
Stay tuned for details on Star Wars Resistance, which has its mid-season premiere on Sunday, January 13th at 10 p.m. ET on the Disney Channel. Season Two of the series is coming this fall.
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