Star Wars: The Clone Wars was the first-ever ongoing Star Wars television series. The series ran for five seasons on Cartoon Network and then production halted as work on its sixth season was taking place. Later, Netflix and Disney reached a deal to bring the completed episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars‘ sixth season to the streaming service. Dubbed Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Lost Missions, it marked the first time that original Star Wars content debuted on a streaming service. Ashley Eckstein voices Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. She spoke to’s Comic Book Nation podcast about her new book I Am a Padawan. She also discussed how, despite the episodes not continuing Ahsoka’s story, The Lost Missions was a watershed moment for Star Wars.
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“There was a huge change I would say once Clone Wars went to Netflix,” Eckstein says. “So Netflix opened up Clone Wars to an entire new audience and then now from Netflix to Disney+ a whole new generation is now experiencing Clone Wars. And then also not to mention Star Wars Rebels because Star Wars Rebels introduced a whole new generation to Clone Wars because all of a sudden characters like Ahsoka Tano were showing up on Star Wars Rebels and people are like, ‘Wait a minute who is she?’ And so then they were going back and watching Clone Wars so it’s been amazing getting to meet new fans and for me personally.”
The final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars debuted on Disney+ in February and has already lived up to the hype. It began with an excellent arc wrapping up dangling plot threads about Captain Rex and the Clone troopers. Then it caught up with Ahsoka after she left the Jedi Order. Her arc has revealed the corruption of the Jedi and set up her role in The Mandalorian. But Eckstein hints that the season’s biggest moments are yet to come.
“Well, I will tell you there is a lot to be excited about with these upcoming episodes,” Eckstein says. “I don’t want to say too much but I will say these episodes are epic. Truly some of the best Star Wars, I think, that’s ever been made. Everyone brought their A-game, everyone brought their best to these episodes and they’re truly mind-blowing and I think they’re gonna be essential viewing moving forward – especially as part of the films from Episode II to Episode III.”
New episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars stream Fridays on Disney+.