'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Fan Remake Gets an Amazing Fan Poster

To say that The Last Jedi sparked a decisive response from fans would be an understatement. Ever [...]

To say that The Last Jedi sparked a decisive response from fans would be an understatement. Ever since the film was released fans and former Star Wars fans alike have heated debates about the film. Most recently, a group of "fans" have even gone so far as to claim that they are going to remake the film into to make it more "fitting" for the Star Wars franchise. Now, that so-called remake has gotten an amazing fan poster.

Graphic artist Fernando Reza recently shared his take on a poster for The Last Jedi remake and, well, you need to see this for yourself.

There's a lot going on in this poster. There's BB-8 with Negan from The Walking Dead's bat and General Leia back in her metal bikini at the bottom while Rey has been relegated to the kitchen -- cooking Porgs, no less. Finn's watching anime while Luke is looking disconcertingly swole with what appears to be an eight-pack of abs and, for reasons unexplained, a gun. Kylo Ren makes an appearance as well, looking like a rejected extra from Mad Max: Fury Road. This is the poster the remake deserves.

The group of "fans" have made some significant claims with their "Remake the Last Jedi" Twitter account, including that they have a team of producers willing to pay the $200 million dollars they say is needed to make a The Last Jedi remake, though a disclaimer on the campaign's website calls the remake a "parody that is aimed to raise awareness for the campaign and offer the money to Disney and Lucasfilm for the sole purpose of remaking 'The Last Jedi'" Despite having a huge sum of money supposedly lined up, the campaign also had a place on the website for people to pledge their own money. As of the time of this writing, they claim to have over $400 million in pledges.

Of course, realistically the remake isn't that serious of a thing. Not only was The Last Jedi commercially very successful for Disney and, thus, in the vein of "if it's not broken why fix it", there's no need for them to remake it, but this group of fans simply don't have the legal rights to make such a film even if they did have financial backing. It's that absurdity as well as the disconcerting trend of fans demanding outrageous courses of action simply because they didn't like a movie that the fan poster clearly addresses.

As for what's really next in the Star Wars universe? Rian Johnson, director of The Last Jedi, is set to make his own trilogy of films disconnected from the Skywalker Saga while The Last Jedi will be getting a follow-up sooner rather than later. Star Wars: Episode IX is set to hit theaters on December 20, 2019.

What do you think about this fan poster? Did you notice Kylo Ren's vaping? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!