A new Star Wars animated series is on the way. On Friday, during Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, Lucasfilm officially announced Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, a new animated series that will be set during the newly-explored High Republic era, which takes place centuries before the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. According to Lucasfilm, the series will follow a group of Younglings as they study the ways of the Force and become Jedi, and learn compassion, self-discipline, teamwork, patience, and friendship. While an exact release date has yet to be announced, we know that it will debut in the spring of 2023 on both Disney+ and the Disney Junior cable block.ย
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The first full-length animated Star Wars series created for preschoolers, early grade schoolers, and their families, these original stories will follow Younglings as they are swept off into adventures, and start their journeys on the path to becoming Jedi Knights, learning valuable skills for our galaxy and the galaxy far, far away. The Jedi-in-training will tackle topics of compassion, self-discipline, teamwork, patience, and friendship.
While announcing the series live at Star Wars Celebration, the creative team revealed that Yoda โ whose early years have begun to be chronicled across the High Republic era material โ will be making an appearance in the series.
“This show centers on a group of Younglings who, their entire life, they’ve grown up in the Jedi temple on Coruscant,” executive producer and showrunner Michael Olson revealed during the Celebration announcement. “And Master Yoda realizes that it’s time for them to get some real life experience out in the field, putting their Jedi lessons into practice. So he sends them into different outpost temples in the Outer Rim, and together, they go on adventures saving the day and helping other people.”
This is the second Star Wars television series to be set during the High Republic era, with the upcoming Disney+ drama series Star Wars: The Acolyte billed as a thriller set in the final days of that era.ย
Will you be tuning in to Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!