The Batman 2 Director Teases Sequel’s Unexpected Villain and Story: “It’s Going to Show Different Sides” of Robert Pattinson
“The story is a continuation in a certain way and completely different in another, and it’s going to show different sides of [Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne],” The Batman filmmaker teases.
Robert Pattinson Calls Out His Public Lies Like Watching Clown Die in Explosion
In hindsight, even Pattinson himself is surprised by his own audacity.
The Batman: Robert Pattinson Has Perfect Response to Sequel Delays
Robert Pattinson isn’t getting any younger as he waits for The Batman Part II.
Robert Pattinson Joins Christopher Nolan’s New Movie (But What Does it Mean for The Batman Part 2?)
Could Pattinson’s reunion with Nolan mean The Batman 2 is getting delayed again?
Robert Pattinson’s New Movie Just Got Delayed (But It’s Actually a Good Thing)
Mickey 17 is headed into theaters in April.
Possession Remake Director Promises to Deliver Longtime Fans a “Completely Bonkers” Reboot
Parker Finn hopes his new take appeals to fans both old and new. -
The Penguin: Colin Farrell’s Oz Cobb Is “Not Thinking About The Bat At All” (Exclusive)
ComicBook spoke with Farrell at The Penguin world premiere. -
Mickey 17 Trailer Reveals Next Film From Parasite Director Bong Joon-Ho
Bong Joon-Ho’s next movie stars Robert Pattinson and hits theaters in January. -
The Penguin: Matt Reeves Explains Why Robert Pattinson Doesn’t Appear in The Batman Spinoff
“When I’m doing a Batman story, Batman and Bruce is going to be the main point of view.”