The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: Every Single Death From 2016

From the explosive start to the season six midseason premiere to the gutsy finish to the season 7 […]

From the explosive start to the season six midseason premiere to the gutsy finish to the season 7 midseason finale, 2016 was a casualty-heavy year for AMC‘s The Walking Dead.

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And TV Guide did what any red-blooded American would do if they thought of it — and put together a gruesome, traumatizing supercut of all those fatalities.

Starting with an explosion that claimed eight people, they keep a running score of who dies more often: humans or walkers.

(As you can probably guess, walkers get a significant leg up as a result of two or three hordes that were culled, inflating the numbers beyond anything humans could get near.)

We’ll leave the exact final tally to be a surprise, but as you might have guessed, both categories are well into double digits by about the 15-second mark in this two-and-a-half-minute video.


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The Walking Dead returns for the rest of Season 7 on February 12, 2017.