The Walking Dead

Characters Most Likely To Die When The Walking Dead Returns

When The Walking Dead Season 7 comes to a close, it will do so with a few less characters living. […]

When The Walking Dead Season 7 comes to a close, it will do so with a few less characters living. When the AMC series returns, Rick will rally communities for war against Negan and the Saviors. War can’t happen without death.

Based on current situations a few fan favorite characters and events taking place outside of The Walking Dead‘s production, some characters have earned themselves a spot on the list of “most likely to die” for the next eight episodes.

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On the following slides, potential spoilers are eligible, as we take a look at the most eligible candidates for death when The Walking Dead returns.

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Eugene is among the least likely to die among the characters on this list but his current situation puts him in a considerable amount of danger. No one being held by Negan can be considered safe. The villain is cruel and unpredictable.

In the comics, Eugene is taken hostage by Negan a bit later down the line and ordered to manufacture bullets for him. He refuses but is not punished the way one might expect. Instead, he is given time to change his mind, likely because Negan sees the value in someone who can manufacture bullets in a time of war.

He ultimately escapes with the help of a few Saviors who choose to betray their menacing leader. However, the show doesn’t always follow the comics and Eugene might have to bite the bullet and bow out.

(Photo: Gene Page/AMC)



No one would suspect Carl Grimes is going to die if not for the big off-season debate regarding is contractual obligation to the show.

When Season 7 wrapped production, Chandler Riggs’ father posted a message of gratitude, having fulfilled a seven year contract with the series. The contract started in 2010 and ran through all seven years of the show’s production but the speculation of Carl being offed was also fueled by Riggs acceptance to college. The actor is looking to attend a school in the fall of 2017.

Killing Carl would be a shocking twist for the AMC series, one which is a major deviation from Robert Kirkman’s comics. While it’s more likely Riggs will negotiate a new contract and continue the series, the speculation earns Carl an unfortunate spot on this list.




The Kingdom’s Richard looks like he might be a bit of a loose cannon. The character acts first and thinks later which often proves costly in the apocalypse.ย 

The character does not surviveย the All Out War storyline in the comics and, so far, the live action adaptation has been mostly accurate. In the pages of Robert Kirkman’s comics, Richard dies in issue #118 — gunned down in an early battle against the Saviors. Should The Walking Dead‘s pace continue and follow the books as accurately as it has, Richard might be in trouble.

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David is a creep and no one will miss him but his death will be something more to cheer about than expected.

In The Walking Dead comics, David attempts to rape one of Negan’s prisoners. However, Negan has a strict “no rape” policy which he enforces at the Sanctuary. The penalty? Death.

When Negan barges into a cell and catches David trying to rape Holly, he quickly puts a knife through his neck before David has a chance to defend himself. It was a shocking and slightly confusing show of Negan’s morality and ruthless abilities all in one moment.

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(Photo: AMC)



In Holly’s place, the most likely candidate is Sasha.

In The Walking Dead comics, Holly was dating Abraham at the time of his death. She, like TV Sasha, wants revenge against Negan and the Saviors. To get it, she’s willing to sacrifice anything and everything and does just that.

During an early battle with the Saviors, Holly plunges a school bus into the Sanctuary’s barriers and ends up being caught by Negan. When she is returned to Alexandria, she has a bag on her head. Rick and the group don’t realize that she has been killed and is now reanimated as a zombie serving as a weapon for Negan until removing it.

To solidify the theory, Sonequa Martin-Green has been cast on CBS’s upcoming Star Trek series which would likely conflict with her time shooting The Walking Dead.

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