As the 2017 solar eclipse moves through several US states, we’re reminded of one superhero story that made use of the phenomenon: Heroes. NBC’s milestone superhero TV show started out with a solar eclipse, which signaled a new era in which everyday people discovered they had extraordinary gifts.
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Now that a total eclipse is here again (just like it was when Heroes premiered in 2006), a lot of superhero fans have been debating one thing: what superpower would you like to discover having after the eclipse?
Here are 5 Superpowers You Want to Have After Total Eclipse 2017.

Even though movies likeย The Invisible Manย andย Hollow Manย have turned this superpower into something of a gateway drug for creeps, it would nonetheless be cool to have come out of the eclipse with the power of invisibility.ย
Aside from always knowing when someone was talking behind your back, invisibility would allow you to fight crime with minimal risk to your safety or identity. The only drawback would be the constant need to resist acting like a creep or criminal.ย
Super Strength & Durability

There are any number of ways to manifest the powers of super strength and durability. Superman is the standard, but there are also some characters who have a low-key approach to the power (Jessica Jones, Luke Cage), and some more extreme versions of the power, as well (The Hulk).ย
After seeing Marvel’sย The Defenders, the more street-level approach to these abilities seems like the way we wouldย go. We hear that coffee tastes even better when you have them.ย
Super Speed or Teleportation

Finally, after seeing so many seasons ofย The Flash, we think that having super speed (or geographic/temporal teleportation) would be a pretty nice gift to get after the apocalypse.ย
You would definitely save a lot of money on travel costs, and getting chores done in timely fashion would suddenly be a breeze. The only things you would have to worry about would be your love life (don’t need super-speed in bed) – and, of course, breaking the timeline.ย
“...Dammitย [Insert Your Name Here]!”
Psychic Abilities

There have been a lot of movies made about both the benefits and pitfalls of having psychic abilities – though that depends a lot on the nature of the powers, and the mind of the person using them.ย
On the one hand, it would be cool to have the insights that come with things like telepathy or clairvoyance; but on the other hand, they’re also the type of psychic abilities that can drive someone insane. The safe bet would be telekenisis, which could be used for any number of useful things!ย

Human beings are so preoccupied with the idea of flight that we often dream about it. So it’s not so surprising that one of the biggest powers one would hope to receive from a major cosmic event would be the freedom to take to the skies.ย
Superman is always the blueprint for joys of human flight – just make sure if you get the gift, you appreciate more thanย Heroes‘ dour flying man, Nathan Petrelli.ย