TV Shows

Kit Harington Reveals the Best Practical Jokes He Played on a Game of Thrones Co-Star

Jon Snow on Game of Thrones may have been known for his dour demeanor, but it turns out the actor […]

Jon Snow on Game of Thrones may have been known for his dour demeanor, but it turns out the actor who plays him is a bit of a jokester. Kit Harington had a reputation for playing practical jokes that he readily embraced during his spotlight panel at Ace Comic Con Midwest. When asked about his best practical jokes, he revealed that he put a replica of his own severed head in his home refrigerator for his now-wife, co-star Rose Leslie, to find. He’s also pleased that she never remembers April Fool’s Day. But as for on-set pranks, he says his best was played on John Bradley.

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“It was the year hew as going off to the Citadel, Samwell,” Harington recalled. “So he had been in the Night’s Watch gear for three or four years, and so we spoke to the costume department and we told them to put him in the worst costume. Like, it had a codpiece. It was awful. It looked like a court jester. And then take photos of him and send them to me and [showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff]. And he completely bought it. I wish I had the photo to show you. It was great. He was so upset. Yeah, good times.”

During the same panel, Harington opened up about the challenge of living up to a character like Jon. “One of the struggles about playing Jon is I always playing someone who was that it was always playing someone who was a better person than me,” Harington says. “He’s good to his core. He’s loyal, he’s brave, he’s honest, he’s truthful to his very core, and I think that playing alongside a character like that for 10 years of your life is intimidating somewhat.

“You’re playing alongside someone who is the very essence of good and brave, so I can only hope that some of him does live in on in me, or that I learned something from him,” he continued. “It’s only now that I’m realizing I loved him dearly as a person and I really enjoyed playing him. I think the thing for me when meeting fans or meeting people in the street is Jon was a very beloved character because he was a good person and he’s one of the very few good people in the show. Whereas some of my friends have it a lot harder, like Jack Gleeson, who played Joffrey so well or Alfie [Allen]. It’s harder for them because people have a different relationship to their character whereas I got it very easy because people followed Jon. They like him, I think.”

What are your feelings about Jon Snow? Let us know in the comments.