Mike Judge’s acclaimed HBO series Silicon Valley will end after six seasons, the network has announced. The upcoming sixth season will be its last, something that will likely not surprise fans who were warned recently that the series was likely nearing the end.
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“Silicon Valley has been a career and life highlight for us. We’ll miss it desperately, but we’ve always let Pied Piper’s journey guide the way, and Season 6 seems to be the fitting conclusion,” showrunners Mike Judge and Alec Berg told The Wrap in a statement. “We are forever indebted to our incredible cast, crew, and partners at HBO. At a certain point, there’s only so much we can do to make the world a better place.”
“Generally, when we get to the fourth, fifth, sixth season of shows, we kind of put it to the creators and say ‘what do you think, where does this end, how do you want to do it,” admitted HBO’s head of programming Casey Bloys in another recent interview.
Deadpool star TJ Miller, who appeared in the first four seasons, left Silicon Valley at the start of Season Five. Miller, who had been mired in sexual harassment allegations, was reportedly unhappy on the set, which led to creative and personal disagreements and ultimately to his departure. As with any show where one of the leads leaves late in the series, there are some fans who saw the writing on the wall that Miller’s departure would spell the end for the series.
“There are a lot of different ways you can find out somebody doesn’t want to do the show anymore,” Judge said last year. “And it’s not fun to work with someone who doesn’t want to be there, [especially when] they’re one of the main people and you’ve got however many crewmembers and extras and people who are [not paid as well] and they’re all showing up before 7 a.m., and then are just like, ‘Oh, OK, we’re not shooting today.’”
While there is no exact release date at present, it is expected that Silicon Valley will return for its sixth and final season in 2020.