Apple TV+ has cancelled High Desert after just one season. Series star Patricia Arquette took to Instagram on Sunday to share the update, revealing in a video post that production had not received an order for a second season of the series from the streaming network. Arquette, who captioned the video simply “It stinks”, said in her message that they had just found out and that it was sad news for all involved.
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“A lot of you have asked about High Desert and if there was going to be a second season,” Arquette said. “So, I just wanted to let you know, we just found out that it won’t be coming back. So, that’s a sad bummer for all of us.”
“We just had a blast. I love Peggy and that punk rock world,” Arquette added. “Thanks to you guys for watching. Can’t win them all. You know it sucks but… tough.”
What is Apple TV+’s High Desert About?
High Desert debuted with its first three episodes on May 17th with a new episode released each Wednesday until the season final on June 21st. The series starred Arquette as Peggy Newman, a drug addict who starts over by heading off to the Yucca Valley desert and starting a new life as a private investigator after a family tragedy. The dark comedy explored Peggy’s life, past and present, and the way old relationships still put a strain on her life even as she was trying to set things right and put her life on a new course.
High Desert was created by Nancy Fichman (Nurse Jackie). Jay Roach directed and Katie Ford (Miss Congeniality) and Jennifer Hoppe (Nurse Jackie) served as co-creators and executive producers along with Fichman. Arquette and Ben Stiller served as executive producers. In addition to Arquette, the series starred Matt Dillon, Christine Taylor, Weruche Opia, Brad Garret, Bernadette Peters, Rupert Friend, and Keir O’Donnell.
Apple TV+ Also Cancelled Monster Factory
On Sunday, it was also reported that Apple TV+ had cancelled the wrestling series Monster Factory after just a single season. Danny Cage, owner and coach at the titular Monster Factory featured in the documentary series, shared the news with fans on Twitter on Sunday as well.
“Everyone who watches Monster Factory on Apple TV+ loves it!” he wrote. “Problem is not enough watch it. Those are the breaks. No season 2. Thanks for everyone who helped out & supported us. But unless some real cosmic shit goes down it’s much like my honeymoon. One & done!”
As of this writing, all eight episodes of the first and now only season of High Desert are still streaming on Apple TV+.
Are you disappointed that High Desert was cancelled after only one season? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.