Hugh Jackman Gives a Netflix Viewing Recommendation

As much of the world continues to be holed up indoors in hopes of slowing the spread of the [...]

As much of the world continues to be holed up indoors in hopes of slowing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the search for the best streaming content to entertain ourselves with continues, with Hugh Jackman himself recently weighing in on a series he thinks everyone should check out, which is Netflix's documentary series Pretend It's a City. The seven-part series launched on the streamer earlier this month and clearly Jackman is a fan, as he took to Twitter to record a video of himself encouraging followers to watch it, adding the caption that he was going to be putting his phone down to honor the spirit of the series.

"So I recommend Pretend It's a City, it's an amazing ... series, it's on Netflix and [Martin] Scorsese did it, and it's about Fran Lebowitz, who's just a great New Yorker, a humorist and a writer," Jackman shared in his video. "And it's hysterical, I laugh out loud so much, and it just reminds me how much I love the city and how much I've never got to walk around with a phone in my hand and just look up and look down and look around. The greatest irony of this whole recommendation thing is, I'm sure if Fran Lebowitz herself found out that an actor that she had never met was recommending her series via social media, she would probably find the whole thing just so annoying and repulsive. So, sorry Fran."

Netflix describes the series, "Fran Lebowitz knows what she likes — and what she doesn't like. And she won't wait for an invitation to tell you. For decades, the critic and essayist has been expressing her opinions, sometimes grouchily, always riotously. A New Yorker to the core, Lebowitz has raised straight talk to an art form, packaging her no-nonsense observations about the city and its denizens into a punchy running commentary, one that spares nobody."

"Shaping Lebowitz's thoughts into the furiously funny guidebook every New Yorker has at one point wished for, Pretend It's a City checks in with a classic urban voice on subjects ranging from tourists, money, subways, and the arts to the not-so-simple act of walking in Times Square. (There is a right way to do it.) Along the way, Lebowitz's own past comes into focus: a life marked by constant curiosity and invigorating independence.

"Directed by Lebowitz's longtime friend Martin Scorsese and peppered with his own witty takes on a town he knows best, Pretend It's a City is a double dose of NYC attitude that sparks pangs of delight, fury, and recognition among those who love the place as deeply as they do."

All seven parts of Pretend It's a City are streaming now on Netflix.

Will you be checking out the program? Let us know in the comments below!