Less than two weeks after the record-setting sitcom The Big Bang Theory aired its final episode on CBS, one of its stars revealed some massive news. Johnny Galecki, who played Leonard on the popular series, and his girlfriend, model Alaina Meyer, are currently expecting their first child. Over the weekend, the couple had a messy, paint-filled gender reveal party, and Galecki shared the results with all of his followers and fans on Instagram.
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Galecki and Meyer are having a baby boy. The party over the weekend consisted of family and friends painting large canvases, and each other, in blue paint to celebrate the occasion.
The actor posted a photo on Instagram of himself and Meyer kissing, both covered in blue paint at their party, loved ones hanging out in the background. Galecki included the caption, “A day I’ll never forget.”
Meyer also confirmed the news with a video on her Instagram stories, telling people, “To those who voted boy you were right!” The couple first announced Meyer’s pregnancy at the beginning of the month.
People were certainly excited to hear Galecki’s news, with the announcement post on Instagram pulling in almost 250,000 likes just a day after being posted. Additionally, several other celebrities commented on the post, sharing in the excitement with Galecki and Meyer.
Modern Family star Sarah Hyland left a comment saying, “DUDE! YES!” She was joined by Oscar-winning actress Octavia Spencer, who wrote, “Congratulations!!!!!”
After the news had been confirmed, Meyer had a post of her own to share with her followers.
“I can not wait to raise a baby boy with my love,” she said. “He will follow his father’s footsteps of being a generous, loving, chivalrous fellow.”