In just twelve days, Netflix’s serialized drama DAHMER – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story starring Evan Peters has managed to land on the All-Time Top 10 English language TV shows for the streamer. According to their publicly released date, Netflix’s Dahmer has been streamed a total of 496 million hours in just its two weeks of release. As of this writing the show’s success has catapulted it to the #9 English TV show on Netflix ever, beating out Ozark: Season 4 and inching very close to eclipsing 13 Reasons Why: Season 2. You can find a full list of the Top 10, and analysis for how far Dahmer may go, below.
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Based on Dahmer‘s current metrics, the series final total after its first 28 days could very well become the #2 TV show of all-time on the platform. According to Netflix, Dahmer was watched 196 million hours in its week one (encompassing just the first five days of its release); in week two the series jumped up to 299 million hours streamed (the first full week that the show was available online). Based on previous performance analytics from Netflix (and our own estimations), it seems very likely that Dahmer could overperform in weeks three and four, pushing it to over 700 million hours streamed after the first 28 days are over. Should it manage that it would push the series to the #2 spot, sitting behind only Stranger Things season 4.
Despite the buzz that the series has been receiving, a lot of it in part because of Peters’ performance, the show is still drawing quite a bit of criticism. Not only are viewers uncomfortable with what the show portrays but the families of some of Dahmer’s victims have been outspoken about the infamous serial killer not needing anymore attention. Unfortunately it’s getting a lot of it.
Between 1978 and 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer gruesomely took the lives of seventeen innocent victims. DAHMER – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is a series that exposes these unconscionable crimes, centered around the underserved victims and their communities impacted by the systemic racism and institutional failures of the police that allowed one of America’s most notorious serial killers to continue his murderous spree in plain sight for over a decade.
#10 – Ozark: Season 4
491,090,000 hours streamed in first 28 days
#9 – DAHMER: Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story
496,050,000 hours streamed in first 28 days
#8 – 13 Reasons Why: Season 2
496,120,000 hours streamed in first 28 days
#7 – Inventing Anna: Limited Series
511,920,000 hours streamed in first 28 days
#6 -The Witcher: Season 1
541,010,000 hours streamed in first 28 days
#5 -Lucifer: Season 5
569,480,000 hours streamed in first 28 days
#4 -Stranger Things 3
582,100,000 hours streamed in first 28 days
#3 -Bridgerton: Season 1
625,490,000 hours streamed in first 28 days
656,260,000 hours streamed in first 28 days
#1 – Stranger Things 4
1,352,090,000 hours streamed in first 28 days