Peacock has pulled the plug on its horror thriller series Teacup after a mere single season, despite its star-studded cast and the backing of acclaimed filmmaker James Wan, according to Variety. The show, which premiered in October 2024, was inspired by Robert McCammon’s novel Stinger and followed a group of people in rural Georgia who must unite to survive a mysterious threat. The cancellation comes as a surprise, given the involvement of horror maestro Wan and his production company, Atomic Monster. The series, which was originally given a straight-to-series order by Peacock in 2022, had the potential to become a standout horror offering for the streaming service.
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The series boasted an impressive ensemble cast, including Yvonne Strahovski, Scott Speedman, Chaske Spencer, Kathy Baker, Boris McGiver, Caleb Dolden, Emilie Bierre, and Luciano Leroux. Ian McCulloch served as the writer and executive producer, with James Wan, Michael Clear, and Rob Hackett also executive producing through Wan’s production company, Atomic Monster.
Despite the cancellation, Teacup garnered generally positive reviews from critics, earning a 70% critical approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. However, while Peacock does not typically disclose viewership data, the series failed to make a significant impact on the Nielsen Top 10 streaming charts, suggesting that it may have struggled to find its audience. This lack of visibility could have contributed to the streaming platform’s decision to cancel the show after just one season.
[RELATED: Teacup Stars Reveal How the Horror Series Was Like Summer Camp]
Teacup follows the Chenoweth family and their neighbors as they face an unknown threat on their isolated ranch. The series delves into the mysteries surrounding the strange occurrences and the tension between the survivors as they attempt to make it through the night. The finale of the first season appeared to set the stage for further exploration of the mystery beyond the ranch, but unfortunately, viewers will not have the opportunity to see how the story unfolds.
Despite the cancellation, Wan and Atomic Monster continue to maintain a relationship with Peacock. The production company is currently working on an untitled espionage drama for the streamer, starring Shang-Chi breakout Simu Liu. The series, which was greenlit in February 2024, is currently in production.
As fans mourn the loss of Teacup, they can take solace in the fact that the series will remain available to stream on Peacock, allowing them to revisit the haunting tale of the Chenoweth family and their fight for survival in the face of an unseen threat.
Teacup is now streaming on Peacock.