Kiefer Sutherland Addresses Rabbit Hole's Season 2 Chances

Kiefer Sutherland debuted his latest TV series, Rabbit Hole, on Paramount+ back in March. The thriller series certainly caught the eye of longtime 24 fans over the course of its eight-episode first season, and those who tuned in are now wondering if a second installment is on the way. Sutherland is also left wondering the same thing. Given that streaming numbers aren't often made public like traditional network TV ratings, it's difficult to tell if Rabbit Hole is performing well enough for renewal or if it will end after just one season.

Sutherland recently spoke to TV Insider about Rabbit Hole's future, saying that he loved working on the series and hopes that there can be more seasons moving forward.

"I absolutely adored working on the show, and I absolutely love John and Glenn and their process, and I just absolutely love the cast," Sutherland said. "It was an extraordinary group of people, and we had an awful lot of fun working, and yeah, I hope we get to do it again."

He went on to explain that he has no idea which way Paramount+ is leaning, and what the chances are Rabbit Hole could be renewed.

"It's so weird now because I did ten years on 24, and I did three years of Designated Survivor, two years of Touch, and those were all network-based shows – at least Designated Survivor 'til the final year, then it was Netflix," he said. "With the networks, there was a relationship somehow that would get developed pretty quickly and you would know. You would get a sense it would be leaning one way or another, and you would pretty much know as you were finishing up your season what was going to happen."

"With the streaming services – with Paramount+ and my experience with Netflix, and I have to believe with all of them because I've heard this from other actors and writers as well – there's kind of a wall between the group that makes whatever the programming is and the people that actually program it, and I don't know why, but Nielsen's not publishing the ratings for these shows particularly," the actor continued. "And so there's a lot of counting and figuring that's going on that really you're not involved with at all. It's just changed. So it is very odd to not have a sense of where they stand with it."

What did you think of Rabbit Hole's first season on Paramount+? Let us know in the comments!