Stranger Things 4 Falls Short of Squid Game for Netflix Record

Stranger Things 4 may have been the biggest English-language TV season in Netflix history, but it fell just short of being the biggest overall season. Squid Game, the surprise Korean hit series, still holds that distinction. Netflix revealed this week that Stranger Things 4 was viewed for a total of 1.4 billion hours during its first 28 days. Squid Game saw 1.7 billion hours in that same time frame.

The release of Stranger Things 4 was staggered, with seven episodes being released in May and the final two episodes arriving at the start of July. The total viewership for the season's opening came from the first 28 days of Part 1, in addition to the first 28 days of Part 2. 

Squid Game keeps its Netflix streaming crown despite the face that it was significantly shorter than Stranger Things 4. The first installment of Squid Game clocks in at around eight hours, while Stranger Things 4 consists of about 13 hours.

After waiting three years to see Stranger Things 4, fans are already starting to wonder when the fifth and final installment of the series might arrive.

"It depends who you ask," co-creator Matt Duffer told Collider when asked about a release date. "That's what we're still figuring out. If you ask our AD, and our line producer, they want more time for production. Our post-production supervisor wants more time for post-production. So it's going to be a big discussion. How long does everybody get? Here's the thing, the more you shorten production, the more you shorten post-production, the more things get compromised."

"It's just the balance of, 'Okay, how much are we willing to compromise to get the show out sooner? Is it more important to give everybody the time that they need to get this right, without being indulgent?' I'm sure we'll figure out what that line is, but my whole thing was I was never super worried," he added.
