TV Shows

The Big Bang Theory’s Kaley Cuoco Is Selling $7 Million House

Fans of The Big Bang Theory will be saying goodbye to their favorite characters with the upcoming […]

Fans of The Big Bang Theory will be saying goodbye to their favorite characters with the upcoming series finale, bringing the series’ sitcom reign to an end. Throughout its 12 seasons, the stars of the series have become some of the biggest stars on the small screen, which comes with exorbitant paychecks along with notoriety. Kaley Cuoco has starred as Penny in the series, starting as a relatively unknown actress and going on to become one of the highest-paid actresses on television. CNBC reports that the actress is selling her $7 million home, which was previously owned by Khloe Kardashian. You can check out photos of the impressive estate over on CNBC.

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Of all the characters on the series, few have gone through an evolution like Penny. When the series began, the character was written as a more stereotypical ditz, serving as nothing more than a foil for the male characters. Luckily, the character has grown much more complex, with star Cuoco revealing that the finale gives her character a loving sendoff.

“I’m thrilled with [Penny’s] ending, yet beginning,” Cuoco shared with Entertainment Tonight. “It’s beautiful. There’s not anything catastrophic, it’s just beautiful. And the characters are gonna live on in your minds and in your hearts, and I think that’s what is so special about it. It’s really touching.”

Saying goodbye to the character wasn’t an entirely joyful experience, as it also resulted in a lot of emotions based on no longer playing Penny or working with her longtime co-stars.

“There [have been] a lot of tissues,” Cuoco noted. “It started with reading that initial script, and then last night shooting it in front of the audience, and this morning with the hands at Mann’s Chinese [Theatre]. It’s just been a beautiful tribute to our show. I don’t know, I just feel so grateful. It’s been a gift, a gift of 12 years.”

After 12 years on the air, fans are curious how the finale will give a proper send off to the characters, but Cuoco assures it was handled eloquently.

“It is the most beautiful finale I have ever seen, and I love finales,” the actress shared. “It is so touching. You’re gonna cry, but in the sweetest way. I don’t know how to describe it, other than it’s absolutely the sweetest thing in the world.”

Check out the series finale of The Big Bang Theory tonight on CBS.


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