In the upcoming Halloween-themed episode of The Simpsons, the world of the animated residents of Springfield will collide with at least one member of the Belcher family, as Bob’s Burgers star John Roberts confirmed on Twitter that Linda Belcher is set to appear in “Treehouse of Horror XXXIII.” Surely these comments will spark speculation about what this could mean for the upcoming episode, such as whether Linda Belcher will be the only character from Bob’s Burgers who will appear or what the nature of this crossover will be, but with both series having passionate followings and both dominating Sunday nights on FOX, this is the event that many fans have hoped to see for years. The Simpsons‘ “Treehouse of Horror XXXIII” will debut on Sunday, October 30th.
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“Linda Belcher will be on The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXXIII,” Roberts plainly stated on Twitter.
The Simpsons‘ Treehouse of Horror episodes have been a staple of the series since its second season, with that debut installment featuring Bart and Lisa telling each other spooky stories in their backyard treehouse. Follow-up installments used a wraparound conceit of the Simpsons having nightmares or telling each other tales of terror at Halloween parties, though the series has dropped that reliance on a wraparound concept to deliver multiple short-form stories that often parody iconic horror tales or well-known tropes.
Despite initially serving as an opportunity to parody horror stories, the concept has since evolved to allow the series to parody any corner of pop culture, from Harry Potter to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. In this regard, it’s unclear how Linda Belcher could be incorporated into the narrative and how significantly she’ll be featured. In addition to the three parody segments the episodes typically offer, there have also been opening scenes that offer an abbreviated introduction to the concept, with it also being possible Linda could drop by the cold open.
The Simpsons is no stranger to crossovers, as characters from Futurama and The Critic have both appeared in the sitcom, while the Simpson family has gone on to appear in The Family Guy. Bob’s Burgers has also had crossovers of its own, notably a crossover with Archer, as Bob Belcher actor H. Jon Benjamin also voices Sterling Archer in the animated spy series.
The Simpsons‘ “Treehouse of Horror XXXIII” will debut on Sunday, October 30th.
Are you looking forward to seeing Linda Belcher on The Simpsons? Let us know in the comments!