Big Show Shows Off New SHREDDED Physique

Just when you thought you had seen the last of the ‘Big Show is in the best shape of his life’ […]

Just when you thought you had seen the last of the “Big Show is in the best shape of his life” photos, Big Show upped the game again. In preparation for his Wrestlemania showdown with Shaq, Show has been hitting the gym hardcore and now looks like he’s photoshopped Rick Rude’s abs onto his own giant body.

Videos by ComicBook.com

Show, who turned 45 yesterday, tweeted out a photo of his latest progress.

Forget the Paleo Diet, forget the South Beach Diet, apparently scheduling a match with Shaquille O’Neal is the greatest motivational tool possible for getting in shape.

For a reference, here is how Show used to look:


And here is Show when he debuted in 1995:

The Giant

And here are Rick Rude’s abs:

Rick Rude Abs

Great job, Big Show! Shaq, step your game up.

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