Could The Rock vs. Roman Reigns Actually Be a Thing for WrestleMania 35?

The Rock's name has been a self-sustaining rumor mill in regards to making juicy WWE headlines as [...]

The Rock's name has been a self-sustaining rumor mill in regards to making juicy WWE headlines as of late. But this one tops them all.

According to Barn Burner's Fired Up podcast, The Rock is "penciled in" to meet his cousin and current Universal Champion, Roman Reigns, at WrestleMania 35. This is contingent upon The Rock making an appearance at the 2019 Royal Rumble — an event he is actually favored to win as of last week.

So, could this be true?

Well, we're a long way from WrestleMania 35. However, there's no denying Vince McMahon has long fantasized about capitalizing on the Reigns/Rock relationship. Familial relationships aside, The Rock has reached Hollywood's highest echelon since his last real match at WrestleMania 29 and McMahon has likely been praying to the wrestling gods that Rocky would make one more return. And if he is set to do so, there's simply no way McMahon could resist giving he and Reigns a 'Mania main event.

If the Rock wants to do it, consider this a done deal. But that is an astronomical if—or, at least it is at first glance.

In July, The Rock literally said he cannot wait to get back in a WWE ring. With that seed planted it's worth underling again that Rocky is leading the way in odds to win the 2019 Royal Rumble. For him to do so—and go on to meet Reings at 'Mania—that means he'd need to clear several dates on his insane schedule. Because believe it or not, a fickle WWE Universe may actually reject The Rock if he only shows up to win the Rumble, fights Reigns in New York, then leaves. So if WWE wants to play this card, they'll have to hope they can lock in Rocky for several spots in early 2019.

There is one thing that makes Rock vs. Reigns so suggestable: there isn't a bigger match out there.

With Reigns waiting two years to become Universal Champion, don't expect him to lose it anytime soon. Even more, with he and Braun Strowman reigniting their rivalry, it's less likely they main event WrestleMania—at least not next year. John Cena could certainly headline 'Mania with Reigns but WWE gave us that last fall. Seth Rollins would be a popular challenger, but he may be destined to meet Dean Ambrose at WM35. So who else could fight Reigns? Brock Lesnar? Elias? Bobby Lashley? Kevin Owens?

WWE loves to make a splash, and outside of fighting Ronda Rousey, the loudest noise WWE could make is Reigns vs. Rock.

It even fits Reigns' arc. Having already beaten legends like Triple H, The Undertaker, John Cena, and now Lesnar, The Rock would be Reigns' finest scalp yet.

That is unless Rocky wants a turn as Universal Champion.