Kenny Omega on a Possible WWE/AEW Crossover

Ever since Kenny Omega won the AEW World Championship and started up his persona as 'The Belt [...]

Ever since Kenny Omega won the AEW World Championship and started up his persona as "The Belt Collector" the borders between major wrestling promotions have continued to loosen. In the last week alone we've Omega defend the Impact World Championship at Slammiversary, New Japan's Jay White show up and continue the Bullet Club storyline that now encompasses three companies, Chris Bey become Impact's first Bullet Club member, Omega and Andrade El Idolo continue their build to their AAA Mega Championship match next month, Impact announce that Bound for Glory would feature stars from New Japan, AEW and AAA and Impact's Matt Cardona win the GCW World Championship from Nick Gage (who is booked to wrestle on this week's AEW Dynamite).

The only major wrestling promotion that hasn't gotten in on the crossover fun is the WWE. But Omega continues to leave the door open for the idea in interviews.

"The one huge crossover, will you ever see WWE team up with anybody? Who knows? I feel as the world evolves and changes and time goes by, people become more open-minded to everything, whether it be the wrestlers themselves, people in the office, the fans," Omega said in an interview with the Wrestling Observer this week (h/t Wrestling Inc.) "I wouldn't hold my breath but at the same time I would never say it's impossible."

This isn't the first time Omega has remained optimistic about the idea, nor is he the only AEW executive vice president to discuss the idea. Do you think the crossover ever happens? Let us know in the comments below!

"There's no reason that there couldn't be a potential WWE crossover one day," Cody Rhodes said in an interview with The New York Post back in February. "And I don't mean that's a thing that's been discussed or happening, but none of those rules that exist for other places exist for us. Wrestling is really this universal industry. The territory reference that you made, that's fairly accurate, but the part of it that's most accurate was there was a genuine trust.

"[1970s NWA President] Eddie Graham and Vince [McMahon] Sr. they traded people all the time and made prolific pieces of business out of it and they did it in a way where they introduced these characters in New York and then next thing you know they introduce these characters in Florida and it kept things fresh because above all, Wednesday Night War or not, the main thing we have to do for fans for the rest of this run — and I want this company to be around forever — is keep it fresh," he continued. "It can't ever get stale. Our doors are open if the business is right, if the moment is right, if the time right. Our bridges are down. I'll be the one curmudgeon AEW guy to make sure it's all good."