AJ Styles and Bobby Lashley Move to Next Round of WWE Heavyweight Title Tournament on SmackDown

WWE SmackDown kicked off with the next match in the WWE World Heavyweight Tournament, a match that featured Edge taking on AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio. The second match will happen later and involves Bobby Lashley, Austin Theory, and Sheamus. Whoever makes it through the SmackDown side of the tournament will face Seth Rollins from the Raw side, and that match will determine who becomes the new WWE World Heavyweight Championship. After a thrilling opening match, it was Styles standing tall from his match with Edge and Mysterio. Right after that the next Triple Threat match commenced, and it would be Lashley walking away the victor, meaning that Styles will face Lashley in tonight's main event for the right to face Rollins.

Early on Mysterio was knocked to the side, but he came back and knocked down both Styles and Edge. Mysterio and Styles would trade moves and then Mysterio was caught by Edge. Edge kicked away Styloes and then hit a fallaway slam on Mysterio. Edge set up for the spear but was knocked back by the other two competitors, and then Mysterio hit a huge move on Edge before going for the cover, but Edge kicked out.

Mysterio punched Styles but got caught with a punch, and then Styles hit a dropkick and knocked Edge and Mysterio to the floor. Once back in the ring Edge had a hold on Mysterio but then Styles locked in another hold on Mysterio. That wouldn't be the end though, as all three ended up on the top turnbuckle, only for Mysterio to bring them both down on the mat.

Mysterio went for the cover on Styles but he kicked out, and that was after taking a double spear and an Edgecator previously. It would be Styles though that got the last laugh, as he would hit Edge with a Phenomenal Forearm and get the win, moving him on to the next round of the tournament. His opponent wouldn't be far behind him, as it was then time for Theory, Lashley, and Sheamus to hit the ring.

Sheamus and Lashley teamed up and beat down Theory outside the ring to start the match, and then Lashley speared Theory and hit a neck breaker, while Sheamus stomped on Theory and hit a rolling senton. Then Lashley clotheslined Theory over the top rope to the floor below. At this point, Lashley and Sheamus finally started attacking one another, with Lashley getting the first strike on Sheamus. Lashley hit a series of back elbows after a spear and then hit another spear in the corner.

Lashley went for another move but Sheamus picked him up and slammed him down, following it up with a punch to the back. Lashley went to pick up Sheamus but Sheamus turned the tables and brought Lashley's neck down on the top rope. He then went for his punches but Theory knocked them down and Sheamus got him locked in and hit the Beats of the Bodhran.

Lashley would go after Theory after the break and slam him into the post, and back in the ring Sheamus and Lashley traded body blows before Lashley clotheslined Sheamus. Lashley went for another move but Sheamus kicked him in the face, but Lashley threw him across the ring and set up for the Hurt Lock. Theory hit a dropkick and broke it up, and then he clubbed Sheamus in the head and went for the pin, but Lashley broke it up. Lashley threw Theory in the corner but Theory got a kick to the head and then hit a blockbuster on Lashley to go for the cover, but Sheamus did the breaking up this time.

Theory stomped on Sheamus in the corner, and Sheamus was back on his feet and hitting Theory with clubbing shots to the chest. He took Theory up top and then brought him down with White Noise into a cover, but Theory kicked out. Theory would almost get Sheamus pinned but Sheamus kicked out. Lashley would come in and slam Theory down, and then he went for the Hurt Lock. Theory tried to get out of it but then Sheamus hit Theory with a brogue kick, which connected with Theory. Lashley threw Sheamus out and then pinned Theory to win the match and move on to the next round, where he will face Styles.

What did you think of the matches and who will win the shot at Rollins at Night of Champions? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!