Gallus Retains WWE NXT Tag Team Titles, Ava Raine Teases New Rivalry

NXT got things started tonight with a big-time Tag match for the WWE NXT Tag Team Championships, and it was a physical throwdown between Gallus, The Creed Brothers, and The Dyad. At one point this was really a handicap match, as the Creed Brothers were having to deal with an alliance between Gallus and The Dyad. That would eventually crumble though, and it looked like Julius and Brutus would end up claiming Tag gold once again. Unfortunately, Ivy Nile was knocked down and when Julius went to check on her, Gallus capitalized and took down Brutus for the win.

Gallus got off to a strong start and seemed to have the match locked down, but then Julius went on a tear and had everyone on their heels. Coffey came back and brought that run to a halt, but then Julius soon swung the momentum back his way with a leap from the top rope. Then everyone was getting in on the fun and dishing out super kicks and slams, and it ended up with a near fall going The Dyad's way.

Julius and Reid would trade punches and then Coffey jumped in. All three would continue to exchange moves before Reid delivered a hard stomp to the back of Julius' head, and then he went to work on his head and chin. Julius went after Coffey but Reid intervened again, hitting Julius with a back elbow before Coffey chimed in with some punches as Reid held Julius.

Julius got back to his feet and kept off both opponents for a minute, but the numbers got to him before he could make the tag to Brutus. Reid slammed Julius into the turnbuckle and then Coffey did the same on the opposite end of the ring, and the alliance was paying off. They both lifted Julius for a suplex but he countered and knocked both of them down in the process, buying him a moment to make the tag.

Reid and Coffey hit him with punches but Julius stayed on his feet, and at this point, Reid and Coffey seemed to turn on each other. Julius crawled to Brutus and all three tagged in their partners. Brutus was on a roll and put Fowler and Wolfgang on the ground and pummeled them with punches and then rolled up Wolfgang only to have Fowler flip him over into a pin, but Coffey broke it up.

Wolfgang lifted Brutus but Coffey was pulled out of the ring by the Dyad. Then both members of Gallus were thrown into the steel steps, leaving Dyad vs Creed. Julius was thrown over the ropes and then Fowler and Reid slammed Brutus down but he rolled out of the ring. Julius was back on his feet against the Dyad and once again reversed their move, bringing them down with a suplex. Ava distracted Julius and let Folwer hit him in the throat, and Reid went up top but was stopped by Brutus.

Then Ivy Nile got into Ava's face, and she was knocked down by Reid, who was thrown out of the ring. Julius checked on Nile but left Brutus in the ring by himself, and Gallus capitalized, with Wolfgang pinning him and getting the win. Gallus are still your Tag Team Champions.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments.