Mustafa Ali Wins X-Division Championship in TNA Debut at No Surrender

Mustafa Ali is the new TNA X-Divison Champion.

The main event of TNA No Surrender saw Chris Sabin defend the TNA X-Division Championship against a debuting Mustafa Ali. The title was defended in the main event for the first time since 2005 at the Unbreakable PLE in a three-way. Since his departure from WWE last September, Ali has taken over the world of the independent wrestling scene. This match would mark his first real televised title win. For weeks Ali has popped up in TNA with a series of vignettes which he has become known for. Prior to his debut, in one of the videos he stated that "the fearful need leadership. They need someone to set an example, to show that change is possible and that by overcoming our fears, we can become stronger and attain not what we inherited by chance but that which we deserve." He called out Sabin for the X-Division title and the match was made official for No Surrender shortly after.

After some back and forth between competitors, Ali hits a 450 straight to Sabin's arm, changing the direction of the match completely. He gets Sabin down to the mat for a version of the STF but Sabin refuses to tap out. He wrenches Sabin's arm back to put more pressure on it but Sabin counters. Ali steps on his hand and tells him he's "not the champion we need." He stomps on his hand and then kicks him in the back of the head. Sabin baits him, creating separation with a German Suplex. They both go back and forth with kicks. Both down on the mat, the crowd begins to chant for Ali. They stand to their feet and Sabin regains a bit of momentum. 

Sabin feeds off the crowd, kicking him straight in the leg. Ali rolls and catches Sabin on the top rope. Sabin plants Ali in the center of the ring with a DDT off the top rope. Sabin wipes out Ali's security but The Good Hands provide a distraction allowing Ali to get a kick in. Ali grabs a handful of his tights in an attempt to get a quick win but Sabin kicks out. As Ali launches off the ropes, Sabin hits the clothesline from Hell and the Cradle Shock, Ali shockingly kicks out! Frustrated, Sabin stomps on the hand of Ali giving him payback for earlier in the match. Sabin tries to put Ali on his shoulder for the Cradle Shock again, but this time off the top rope. However Ali avoids disaster, hitting the sunset flip bomb before heading to the top rope for a 450 splash straight onto Sabin to win the X-Division Championship.

Are you excited to see Ali hold gold? Who would you like to see him face for the X-Division title? Let us know in the comments!