Nikki Bella Describes Locker Room Reaction to Roman Reigns Leukemia Announcement

The moment Roman Reigns revealed the return of his leukemia on Raw the wrestling world [...]

The moment Roman Reigns revealed the return of his leukemia on Raw the wrestling world collectively froze. And includes the WWE locker room.

In an interview with CBS Sports In This Corner, Nikki Bella described how the WWE roster is feeling just days after what may be the most heartbreaking news in WWE history.

"You know, I get, like, the deepest chills when you bring that up. I think everyone is still in a lot of shock, but it's extremely sad, it's extremely unexpected. You don't think you'll hear those words from your living-day Superman," she said.

Reports have surfaced indicating that only a handful of WWE insiders knew about the details of Reigns' address, giving everyone backstage a heavy surprise. Bella, like the rest of the WWE Universe, seems to still be digesting the news but believes that Reigns will overcome this obstacle.

"But if anyone can fight through this, it's Joe. Joe is just so beyond brave to go out there, and to speak the way he did, I just ... to me, he is so inspiring and so motivating to never give up. I'm just going to keep him so much in my prayers and thoughts, as all of us should, because we all want our 'Big Dog' back. The show is definitely going to feel so different without him," she said.

Social media has flooded with support for Reigns. The details of his diagnosis are still unknown, but it appears he'll be out of WWE for the foreseeable future. Despite his absence, he'll remain on everyone's mind.

"His presence is just strong, and he's just ... he's an amazing, very beautiful man, and he's beautiful inside and out, and I'm just praying so hard for him," said Bella.

Reigns speech has already done crazy YouTube numbers—amassing nearly 10 million views in less than three days. Considering the severity of the situation and Reigns' grace, his address will go down as one of the most poignant moments in WWE history.

"You know the deal, you know how life is," Reigns said to open Raw. "Life is not fair, it's not all peaches and cream. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. And right now the best thing for me to do is to go home, to focus on my family and my health," he said.

Reigns revealed he battled leukemia in his early 20's and the cancer has been in remission for 11 years. In a dark twist of fate, it's back, but Reigns was adamant that he would remain tenacious in his second fight with the disease.

"But I want to make one thing clear, by no means is this a retirement speech. Because after I'm done whooping leukemia's ass once again I'm coming back home. And when I do, it's not just going to be about titles and being on top, no it's about a purpose. I am coming back because I want to show all of you, the whole world, I want to show my family, my friends, my children, and my wife, that when life throws a curve ball at me, I am the type of man that will stand in that batter's box, I will crowd the plate, I will choke up and I will swing for the fences every single time. Because I will beat this and I will be back and you will see me very, very soon," he said.