‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin Buries Rumor That He Stopped Drinking Beer

Last week the wrestling world collectively froze when Steve Austin said he was taking a break from […]

Last week the wrestling world collectively froze when Steve Austin said he was taking a break from beer. However, the WWE icon not only clarified his quote but pledged he’ll swig cold ones until he’s dead.

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In the latest episode of The Steve Austin Show, The Texas Rattlesnake said that he was limiting his alcohol intake due to a diet, not ending his drinking days for good.

“I didn’t swear off alcohol forever, why in the fโ€”k would I do that,” Austin said. “I enjoy alcohol responsibly as an adult so, therefore, I will probably drink until my final day on Earth.

When I’m trying to meet a deadline, if I’m trying to get in shape, then I’ve gotta eliminate the alcohol if I wanna burn fat,” he said.

News of Austin potentially quitting booze ripped around the internet as we all asked what could possibly be next in 2018. Ric Flair taking a vow of celibacy? The Undertaker starts wearing white? Thankfully we can put our hysteria on pause.

Here are the original quotes that had everyone in an existential funk. While Austin never explicitly said he was done drinking, he did leave room for things to be taken out of context. And because this is 2018, that’s exactly what happened.

“My eating program is going fantastic. [I’m] sticking to my exact macros. [I’ve had] zero alcohol for right at 14 days now. Pounds are coming off. My strength is going up. Jesus Christ, I’m getting as strong as a goddamn horse over here,” he said.

“No alcohol, and when you hit the weights on a consistent basis and eat what you’re supposed to, it is amazing the difference that you can make or I’m making,” Austin continued, “I’m also doing my DDP Yoga sโ€”t. Hell, I’m going to jump up here and do the splits like a goddang cheerleader in a minute! I’m flexible as a motherfโ€”ker. Dallas’ program works like a bโ€”h. I appreciate it, Dallas. I appreciate it, man. That’s a badass program. I’m sticking to it!”