Update on Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows' New WWE Contracts

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows have re-signed with WWE, and if you saw RAW last week, it's pretty [...]

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows have re-signed with WWE, and if you saw RAW last week, it's pretty evident they will be a big part of television storylines for the foreseeable future.

Now, we are learning more about the contracts that the team signed. According to Wrestling Observer Radio, the team re-signed for five years. This is in-line with what we have heard in recent months, that virtually every deal now being offered to talent is for a five year period.

Anderson and Gallows' status had been up in the air for several months, with the two reportedly turning down WWE contract offers previously. According to the Observer, WWE decided to get even more serious and offered them more money to prevent the team from leaving. The report notes that the two had previously turned down contracts that were in the $500,000 neighborhood.

John Alba reports that the team signed their new deals in the last 24 hours and received the contracts this past Monday.

Last Monday saw Anderson and Gallows form a new stable with their former Bullet Club partner AJ Styles in what was a very cool moment to close RAW. That action should solidify them as a more serious team moving forward, which is a good thing as one of the indictments of WWE since the team jumped from NJPW was that they never capitalized on the group despite them being one of the most popular tag teams in the world prior to their WWE arrival.

WWE's preview for this Monday's RAW teases more action from the new group, writing:

Is The Club taking over the red brand?

After failing to capture the United States Championship from Ricochet in this past Monday night's main event, a frustrated AJ Styles joined Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson in a sadistic post-match assault that culminated in a vicious second-rope Styles Clash to the titleholder. The three longtime running buddies followed up on the brutality with a symbolic "Too Sweet" gesture over the reeling Ricochet to signify to the WWE Universe that The Club is back, and they mean business.

What might the official reunion of this take-no-prisoners triad mean for the rest of the Raw locker room?