WWE: Are The Hardys Headed Back To The WWE?

Is the WWE on the verge of purging TNA's hottest talent? In the past year, the Hardy Boyz have [...]

Is the WWE on the verge of purging TNA's hottest talent? In the past year, the Hardy Boyz have become the most talked about act outside of the WWE thanks to Matt Hardy's brilliantly ridiculous #BROKEN character. The angle, created by Hardy, reinvisioned what levels of absurdity pro wrestling was capable of and even led to an entire episode of Impact being taped at the "Hardy Compound." Now, reports are that the former WWE Tag Team champions could be headed back to where it all began.

Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer is reporting that both Hardys' contracts are up in February. (Matt's contract, specifically, expires on 2/27.) While TNA under new ownership will continue to try and lock up the Hardys long-term, it would be hard to fathom that they would agree to exclusivity given how much money they're making on the indies right now.

Meanwhile, WWE is reportedly very interested in bringing them back, as they see the merchandising possibilities of both the #BROKEN characters and the nostalgia of having the Hardy Boyz back in the fold.

While Vince MeekMahon and company may be interested, it will likely come down to how much creative control the Hardys are willing to give up for a bigger WWE paycheck. In TNA, the Hardys have been given free reign to book their program however they see fit. As an artist, that may be more rewarding than having to conform for a writing team's interpretation of your concept.

Also, would the Hardys be able to work the same kind of part time schedule they've grown accustomed to in TNA? While they have built a huge cult following, they are by no means the same kind of box office draws that other part timers like Brock Lesnar and Goldberg have been.

One other possible hangup for the Hardys coming back to the WWE is that Jeff is currently on strike two of his three strike wellness violation. While there is no reason to think Jeff is in any danger of backsliding, his two previous strikes still remain on his record according to thee WWE's wellness policy.

"Any WWE Talent, who leaves the WWE for any reason with a first or second violation on his/her record, will maintain said violation count on his/her record from the time he/she departs WWE until the time he/she returns, if ever, to the WWE."

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