Hulk Hogan Says He Played a Role in Getting The Undertaker to WWE

Dozens of WWE legends took to social media over this past weekend to pay tribute to The Undertaker [...]

Dozens of WWE legends took to social media over this past weekend to pay tribute to The Undertaker as he gave his "Final Farewell" at the end of Sunday's Survivor Series pay-per-view. Hulk Hogan was among those legends, stating that he played a small role in helping "The Deadman" make it to WWE back when he first debuted in 1990. The two worked together on the set on the 1991 action film Suburban Commando, and "The Hulkster" claimed he convinced Undertaker (real name Mark Calaway) to meet with Vince McMahon.

"Amazing career the Undertaker has had, 30yrs of Main Events and always was nothing but money, I will never forget Taker on the set of Suburban Commando, I told him Vince needs to meet you, 30 awesome years brother," Hogan wrote.

A year after his debut, Undertaker would beat Hogan for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship at the 1991 Survivor Series (thanks to an assist from Ric Flair). Calaway recalled in an interview with ESPN earlier this year that Hogan claimed to be injured by the Tombstone following the match.

"So we go into one of the locker rooms into the shower," Calaway recalled. "That was where all the business was done back in the day, you went into the shower, whether it was to fight, settle whatever score, it always happened in the shower. So he's telling me, he goes, 'Hey, I got this neck injury,' he says, 'I'm really nervous about taking your finish.' I was like, 'Hulk, believe me,' I said, 'I will protect you, I pride myself on not hurting people and I promise you, I will have you so tight that there is no way possible that you're going to hurt your neck.' So with that, we went about our business. Every point during the day, I'd pass him in the hall or whatnot, I'd get the, ya know, remember about my neck. So that was all I got all day, was my neck."

"So we go into the finish, Flair comes down, slides the chair down, I pick him up, and when I tell you I had the brother secure, he was secure," he continued. "Boom, I give him the tombstone, as soon as my knees hit, I hear, 'Ohhh, you got me, brother.' I'm like, how? I'm, what, I was 24, 25 years old, and I just crushed Hulk Hogan, right? That's what's going through my head. Like they gave me this opportunity, they gave me this chance to run with the ball, and I hurt the golden goose. So I'm devastated, mortified, right? So they get Hogan out of the ring, and I get the belt, and Paul Bearer and I are doing our stuff. I go backstage, and I'm asking, where's Hulk at? 'Oh, he's laying on Vince's office's floor.' So I go in there and he's laying out on the floor, 'Ohhhh,' carrying on. I'm going in to check on him, but here come the paramedics, so I go behind a wall with Shane. Me and Shane are behind the wall, and I'm having to listen to, 'Can you feel this, can you do that?' Then I hear, 'Somebody get my wife and kids on the phone.'"

Calaway confronted Hogan about the situation two days later prior to the This Tuesday in Texas pay-per-view, where Hogan won back the championship.

"Finally I got to San Antonio and I was like, 'Terry, I watched it back, your head never hit.' He's like, 'Well, brother, what it was was you had me so tight, that when we came down, I had nowhere to move, and that's what jammed my neck because I couldn't move at all.' It was too tight," he said. "At that point, I was like, OK. Then I knew. I was like, OK, I kinda realized, I know what you're all about, and that's all I needed."