WWE Extends Return/Hall Of Fame Induction To Jeff Hardy; Hardy Refuses

The WWE has been releasing quite a few superstars over the past year, with the likes of Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman, Billie Kay, and many more being on the chopping block. This last December, Jeff Hardy was a major release for the wrestling organization that took place following a six-man match at a Corpus Cristi event, though it seems as if World Wrestling Entertainment is looking for Hardy to make a comeback. The new twist is that Jeff has apparently turned down the WWE's offer to return, as well as being inducted into the organization's hall of fame to boot.

Certainly, the biggest event that might have worked for Hardy's return would have been during this year's Royal Rumble, with wrestlers old and new competing against one another in a thirty-man battle royale wherein a new wrestler is added to the match every few minutes. Hardy himself has had a very long history with World Wrestling Entertainment, getting his first match in 1994 against Razor Ramon and continuing to form a personality both as a solo wrestler as well as a tag-team alongside his brother Matt as a part of the Hardy Boyz. 

Jeff's future is still anyone's guess as to whether or not he might appear in the AEW, the WWE's main competitor at the moment which has been more than willing to pick up wrestlers from their distinguished competition. Hardy currently has a "non-compete clause" with World Wrestling Entertainment which is set to expire on March 9th of this year, with Jeff and Matt already set to participate as a tag-team once again during the Big Time Wrestling Event which takes place on March 12th.

Matt Hardy had this to say, during the Wrestling Perspective Podcast, about joining with his brother in the ring once again:

"When it comes to myself and Jeff teaming up, being the Hardy Boyz, it's like riding a bike. You just get back on and start peddling. It's business as usual. That's one thing that is really cool. I've literally been there since this guy was born. We know each other inside and out and it's going to be fun. Jeff's excitement and passion for wrestling has been so renewed now that he has this new horizon in front of him. Very excited about that. Without going too much into detail, I'm very excited to where 2022 is going to take the Hardy Boyz. I feel it's going to be a great year for Matt and Jeff,"

Do you think we'll see a Hardy Boys reunion at AEW this year? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of professional wrestling. 

Via Wrestling News