Far Cry 5 Sold 5 Million Copies in its First Week - Report

Earlier this week it was revealed that Far Cry 5 was the fastest-selling game in series history in [...]

Far Cry 4

Earlier this week it was revealed that Far Cry 5 was the fastest-selling game in series history in the United Kingdom. And then not longer after, the game surpassed 500,000 copies sold just on PC.

Now, a new report claims that the latest release from Ubisoft sold five million copies in its first week on the market. That's a lot of copies. And who knows how many souls lost to Turkeys.

That's right, in addition to setting series records and doubling the initial sales of its most recent predecessor, Far Cry 4, it sold not one, not two, not three, not four, but five million copies in its first week. The news/report comes via American multinational investment bank and financial services company Jefferies Group.

For context, Far Cry 4 sold eight million copies in its first year on the market, which is far from a bad year one. In fact, it's quite an accomplishment. However, going by this report, Far Cry 5 is making Far Cry 4 look like a bad game that nobody wanted or bought. In one week it has already sold more than half the copies Far Cry 4 did in 52 weeks.

In light of Far Cry 5's success, Ubisoft's stock has also received a nice bump. More specifically, the day after its initial sales announcement, the French company's stock rose an impressive eight percent.

Far Cry 5 is notably the biggest release yet this year in terms of stature, and the first really prominent game to release in this current Fortnite-dominated world. And if there was ever any doubt that Fortnite would severely cripple the market for AAA games, this surely squashes that. And look, no battle-royale mode needed.

Far Cry 5 is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC for $59.99 USD. You can read more on the game below, courtesy of an official elevator pitch via Ubisoft. And if you haven't already, be sure to check out our official review of the game.

"Hope County, Montana, has been overrun by a fanatical doomsday cult – The Project at Eden's Gate. On your arrival, you must spark the fires of resistance to liberate the community. Fan the flames of resistance and fight to free Hope County from the grip of a deadly cult. Beware the wrath of Joseph Seed and his cult followers as you support the resistance in small-town America. Explore Hope County and discover the Montana countryside, its wildlife, and its inhabitants in an exciting open world."