'Agents of SHIELD' Recap With Spoilers: "The Devil Complex"

A figure in an astronaut suit appears in the Lighthouse. Fitz is working and wishing for British [...]

A figure in an astronaut suit appears in the Lighthouse. Fitz is working and wishing for British junk food. He needs to compress the gravitonium to seal the rift, but he has no idea how to do that. The mysterious figure attacks Simmons and another SHIELD agent before Fitz shoots it and it evaporates.

Mack is working with Yo-Yo on her new robot arms. The feedback to her nerves is causing her a lot of pain, but they're still trying. Yo-Yo wants to get back to work, if not fighting than at least in the control room. Mack is worried that she hasn't healed.

Fitz and Simmons ask Deke if he knows how to compress the gravitonium like it was in his belt device, but he has no idea. Fitz and Simmons decide to try to look for Franklin Hall's old data for clues. Deke is a little jittery about FitzSimmons since he realized that they are his grandparents.

Daisy gets a tracking hit on General Hale, who is traveling in a vehicle with a driver and is having a tense phone conversation. The SHIELD team uses a cloaked quinjet to abduct hale in her vehicle.

Deke tries to bring the news to Fitz, but Fit ignores him until he hits him over the head with a heavy tool. He lifts his welding mask to reveal its actually The Doctor, Fitz's evil Hydra self from the Framework.

Coulson has a sit down with Hale. Hale says she's been ordered to bring SHIELD, which is now considered a terrorist organization, in for justice. Hale says she's trying to prevent humanity's extinction.

Fitz and Daisy realize that there are no physical or digital records for Franklin Hall's work, which seems impossible. They lose two security cameras, which is worrying, so Daisy decides to go check it out. Fitz is stressing out and he seems to be struggling with his thoughts like he did after his injury. He tries to calm himself down. The Doctor reveals himself and says there's work to be done. He says he's going to finish what Fitz started. He says the plans are already in motion. Fitz hears a gunshot and cry from Simmons and runs towards it.

Coulson continues interrogating Hale. She says she has some respect for Coulson, but Coulson has too much empathy. She offers to show Coulson what they're really up against if Coulson will go with her, but Coulson refuses. Hale reveals that she let them hack her phone.

Agent Piper reports that Hale's driver is too heavy to lift, like a statue. May realizes it's the Absorbing Man and guns to put him at gunpoint. Creel has explosives strapped to his body.

The Superior arrives on the Zephyr One.

Fitz finds that one Blue Raven's robot assassin's shot Mack in the leg. He realizes The Doctor must have put the robot back together.

The Superior goes on about his new form's strength and immortality but says humanity is still threatened. He demands the release of Hale.

Fitz struggles to figure out what The Doctor is up to. With Simmons' help, he remembers that The Doctor was in charge of Inhuman experimentation, which explains why he sent an assassin after Yo-Yo and tells him that Daisy is in danger.

Daisy is working on an out of commission camera when the robot assassin chokes her out.

Hale and Creel are delivered to The Superior. Coulson agrees to go with them, but May objects. They argue, but eventually, May hands him over.

Daisy awakes with The Doctor over her. She's strapped to a table for The Doctor to work on. He claims he's helping her by restoring her powers. She tells him not to, but he doesn't listen.

Coulson talks to Creel and the Superior. Coulson believes they can't make convincing looking LMDs without AIDA and that Hale is the one in charge here.

The Doctor continues to work on pulling the power inhibitor out of Quake's neck. He says her powers are the key to compressing the gravitonium to seal the rift.

Yo-Yo talks to Mack and says she's convinced nothing bad can happen to her because she saw herself in the future. Simmons checks in and then decide to go after Fitz.

Fitz finds The Doctor. The Doctor berates Fitz until Simmons finds them. Then it becomes clear that there is only one Fitz, that's he's hallucinating the Doctor and has actually been the one taking all of The Doctor's actions. He repaired the robot and shut off the cameras. He also programmed the robot to make sure he couldn't go back. Fitz continues to extract the inhibitor. Daisy says she'll never forgive Fitz.

Fitz gives Daisy the instructions about what to do with the gravitonium. She uses her powers to compress the gravitonium and insert it into the sphere device. She then brings the sphere down to the rift and seals it.

Fitz allows himself to be taken into custody. Simmons talks to him. She thinks it's his injury acting up again. She insists The Doctor isn't him, but he realizes it is a part of him. He says he doesn't deserve forgiveness and that the worst part is that he believes it was the right thing to do. Simmons says he's right, that to change the timeline they need to make harder choices.

Deke finds Simmons and tries to talk to her. She says she doesn't know how to process Fitz losing himself. He tells her all these things he remembers about his grandparents. Simmons is a little confused. He tells her it's because his mom always told him about her parents and said his mom said her dad was the best man she ever knew. Simmons realizes what Deke is and vomits from the shock.

Hale reports to her superiors. One of them gives her odium to drink if she fails and tells her "Hail Hydra" before he leaves.
