James Gunn Reveals 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Easter Egg

Superhero films regularly incorporate Easter eggs for fans to offer excitement for anyone who may [...]

Superhero films regularly incorporate Easter eggs for fans to offer excitement for anyone who may have familiarity with a movie's comic book origins. Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has regularly goaded fans on social media about his inclusion of one Easter egg that he feels will be nearly impossible for fans to identify, yet that hasn't stopped them from trying to locate it. One fan pointed out on social media an interesting Easter egg related to Stan Lee's cameo in the film, which Gunn confirmed was intentional, but wasn't the rumored reference.

One fan translated the Skrull language in the above scene, noting that it should be read as "Excelsior!" a phrase commonly used by Lee.

Gunn confirmed, "Ok this is an actual Easter egg that hasn't been found but it is not THE Easter egg. That said, I think you deserve a No-Prize AND it shows there are still Easter eggs to be found in the #GotG films, despite the doubters."

Fans have been toiling through every detail of Guardians of the Galaxy for more than three years in hopes of uncovering the Easter egg, with some hints that Gunn revealed last year both shedding light on the reference while also making it sound more complicated.

"I'm not going to let you know, but I will give you some path. There's a very secret hidden easter egg in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1," Gunn expressed during a Facebook Q&A last year. "Some people have gotten very, very close...to what that easter egg is."

"Maybe you've even found partial the easter egg [sic]. I haven't said you've found it because you haven't found the whole thing yet," the director continued. "You need to find the entire easter egg for me to say, 'Yes, you've found it.' It's there. It's already been partially uncovered. You just need to find the whole thing."

This means that some fans have discovered elements of the Easter egg, yet they will have to piece together multiple clues to unlock the entire reference Gunn included.

Do you think anyone will ever find the final Easter egg? Let us know in the comments below!

[H/T Twitter, JamesGunn]
