Welcome to the opening rounds of ComicBook.Com’s Multiversal March Madness. Though DC and Marvel Comics are breaking the piggy on their endless realities with events Convergence and Secret Wars later this spring, the bracket fever from the NCAA March Madness has our minds stuck on the tournament style crossover event. Like we explained in the opening salvo, we’re leaving to you to choose the winners in our own cross-company tournament. We’re in throwing in a nifty secret prize for the players with a winning bracket. But enough chit-chat. It’s time to get in the super-powered paint with the first round’s combatants.
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Green Lantern Hal Jordan, transformed into the evil entity known as Parallax, tries to destroy and then rebuild the DC Universe. This era in DC history, from the early nineties, debuted new heroes like Steel, Kyle Rayner Green Lantern, Azrael, the new Superboy, and the retooled Aquaman, along with established teams like Justice League International. Martian Manhunter, a legendary force in this era, could certainly serve as a field leader.
Advantage:The nineties were all about gritty, rough-and-tumble characters that refuse to die quietly, but…
Disadvantage:The influx of new characters also means a serious lack of experienced players. Also, long hair.
The Extremists Stats:Based on analogs of Marvel supervillains, the Extremists are led by Lord Havok, whose second incarnation is a robot with Maxwell Lord’s brain. The world earns most of their reputation for acting like a Marauders-style roster, complete with serious power-players like Doctor Diehard and Gorgon. But, as with most evil organization, their loyalty to one another is somewhat shaky.
Advantage: Unafraid to do whatever, to whomever, in order to further their agenda.
Disadvantage: With evil insanity, comes a lack discipline. How else could Lord Havok have burned through two Carnys?
Who will reign supreme? Decide in the poll below!
Polling ends on Tuesday, March 24 at 12:30 EST.