Fans are less than a month away from finding out the exact nature of Valiant Entertainment’s collaboration with Super Power Beat Down creator Bat in the Sun — but today, in an announcement for the company’s New York Comic Con panels, they included a first look at the costume for Michael Rowe’s Ninjak.
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Ninjak is Colin King, a British intelligence asset and master martial artist with a dark, mysterious past. Since he showed up in X-O Manowar, he’s become one of the most important characters in “New Valiant,” having appeared in Unity and The Valiant before getting his own series in 2015. The webseries with Bat in the Sun is rumored to center on Ninjak battling his way through the heroes and villains of the Valiant Universe alike.
Rowe, who played Suicide Squad member Deadshot on Arrow before his character died to make way for a big-screen version played by Will Smith, got online discussion of the webseries moving when he tweeted something that teased his involvement with Valiant Entertainment.
Along with his eyes and the company logo, Rowe hashtagged the image “#ninja.”
Of course, Valiant’s resident ninja, Ninjak, is a white guy whose eyes are the only thing visible through his mask. So it’s pretty easy to see where people would pretty quickly get the idea that’s who he’s playing.
Later, rumors emerged that clarified some of the project, including some other actors and characters who might be involved.
The panel will take place on Saturday, October 8. Valiant Entertainment and Bat in the Sun will, according to the panel description, “join forces for a feature-length live-action series! Join directors Aaron & Sean Schoenke, stars Michael Rowe (CW’s Arrow/Flash), Jason David Frank (Power Rangers), Derek Theler (Baby Daddy), Valiant’s top executives and more for a first look at footage from the top-secret project!”
Fans already knew that Rowe and Frank would be involved, although the other names are new. Other panelists are named as well, including some who were not previously confirmed as being involved with the project.
Most interesting is Chantelle Barry, who recently provided some clues on Instagram as to who she might be playing…
For those of you who aren’t Valiant-savvy, she looks an awful lot like Roku, one of Ninjak’s most dangerous nemeses, who was introduced in Ninjak #4.
When she was first introduced, Roku was introduced as an aide to Kannon in the Weaponeer organization. Besides her mastery of martial arts, she’s got both mental powers — she can telpathically interfere with opponents’ combat — and some nifty biological additions to boot. Everything about her — down to her hair — can be used as a weapon.
With Roku involved with the story, it throws some clarity into those “Ninjak battles other heroes” rumors. She’s the kind of master manipulator who not only has a mean-on for Ninjak personally but could easily be working behind the scenes to ruin his life.
For now, this is all educated guesswork. It will be official the weekend of October 6-9, when Valiant Entertainment heads to New York Comic Con.