Five Things You Want to Know About the Supergirl Season 2 Premiere

We’re still a few weeks away from the airdate for Supergirl’s second season premiere — but here […]

We’re still a few weeks away from the airdate for Supergirl‘s second season premiere — but here at ComicBook.com, we’ve peered through the Waverider’s on-board computers and taken a look at what to expect in October.

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Everybody knows Superman is coming — but what else is going on in this episode? What does it all mean for the season to come? Well, that’s a very good question, hypothetical, inquisitive reader.

Now, we’re not going to spoil any plot points explicitly here — or in our review of the season premiere, which will run later today. Rather, this is an opportunity for us to provide fans with some tantalizing tidbits that readers can use to try and speculate about and suss out.

That kind of thing tends to make for fun conversation when a TV season is on hiatus, and as the season premiere draws closer and more and more clues are out there, it tends to build to a fever pitch.

The season will introduce a number of new characters, including Tyler Hoechlin’s Superman, Ian Gomez’s Snapper Carr, Chris Wood’s Mon-El, and more. Supergirl will face threats like Roulette and Metallo, and will cross over with The Flash and other CW superhero shows at least twice.

Obviously, there will be minor spoilers ahead, as it’s difficult to make even the most vague statements without giving away things like whether a certain character might appear or not.

  • You learn something about Lois Lane in the premiere. She’s mentioned more than once, and not in the dismissive “that hag Lois Lane” like she has been in some past episodes.
  • There is a reference to a specific story in Superman’s past that longtime fans will recognize immediately.
  • You will learn why Superman and J’Onn J’Onzz don’t get along.
  • Expect a cameo appearance by a member of the Superman supporting cast that you haven’t seen onscreen in quite a while.
  • Lena Luthor is not the only character whose agenda remains shrouded in mystery by the episode’s end.

So…what does it all mean? Throw us your best comments in the thread below or hit us up with what you think on Twitter at @comicbook!

Now, in Season Two, Kara (Melissa Benoist) has left the safety of being Cat Grant’s (Calista Flockhart) assistant in order to figure out what she really wants to do, while as Supergirl she continues to work at the DEO., protecting the citizens of National City and searching for Jeremiah (Dean Cain) and Cadmus. Along the way, she will team up with Superman (Tyler Hoechlin) to battle new villains, as she strives to balance her personal life with her life as a superhero.

The cast also includes Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers, Helen Slater as Eliza Danvers, Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen, Jeremy L. Jordan as Winslow “Winn” Schott, and David Harewood as J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter.

Supergirl airs Monday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT. Season two starts on Monday, October 10, on The CW.