
‘Dragon Ball Super’ Introduces A Deadly New Kaioshin

The English language dub of Dragon Ball Super is making its way through the Future Trunks arc of […]

The English language dub of Dragon Ball Super is making its way through the Future Trunks arc of the series, and in doing so, is revealing much more about the origins of the mysterious Goku Black.

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The hunt for that origin brought Goku, Beerus and Whis to Universe 10, where the three meet a strange and potentially deadly new Supreme Kai in training, Zamasu.

Episode 52 of the series ended with the trio searching out the source of Goku Black’s energy, as someone in Universe 10 shares the same wavelengths as the mysterious foe. This search revealed a new Supreme Kai, Gowasu, and his protege Zamasu. Zamasu wonders why mortals act in such destructive ways, and has an open distaste for them.

This comes to a head when he meets Goku and company, as Goku’s constant asking for a fight (and eventually getting his wish) only makes it worse. Zamasu’s energy and fighting style seems eerily close to Goku Black, as Goku mentions, but something’s not quite the same in the end.

But the interaction with Goku turned a new leaf in Zamasu’s mind at the end of the episode. Where he had felt the mortals were self-destructive and wondered why he had to watch over their mistakes, after his confrontation with Universe 7, he stands more resolute in getting rid of mortals once and for all.

Dragon Ball Super airs on Crunchyroll Saturday evenings at 7:15 p.m. CST. Adult Swim airs the English dub during its Toonami block Saturday evenings at 9:30 p.m, and is now available to stream on FunimationNOW and Amazon Video.

If you want to catch up with the English dub, the first 39 episodes of Dragon Ball Super are now available to stream on FunimationNOW, Crunchyroll’s VRV service, and available to purchase on Amazon Video. The 39 episodes span the full range of what has aired in the North America and covers the “Battle of Gods” arc, “Revival of F” arc, and the most recently ended “Universe 6” arc.

Funimation has previously announced the rest of the series will soon be available on the service as well. Releasing in 13 episode batches two weeks after the last episode airs on Cartoon Network, fans of Dragon Ball Super‘s English dub without a cable connection will soon have a way to experience the series.

There is also currently a new Dragon Ball film in the works for 2018. The film will focus on the Saiyans, the “origins of Goku‘s power,” and potentially the story of the very first Super Saiyan God. Not only does it aim to be the best film in the series, original creator Akira Toriyama will be contributing to the film’s script and new character designs.