Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ promotional anime series has gone to another level as the battle between the Evil Saiyan Cumber and Goku and the others has reached a new stage of damage.
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When Goku appears to be defeated, the Goku and Vegeta of the Dragon Ball Xenoverse timeline appear in their Super Saiyan 4 forms and fuse into Super Saiyan 4 Vegito, showing off their impressive fused power.
Cumber manages to blast away Goku, but before he’s completely defeated, Goku Xeno and Vegeta Xeno manage to arrive just in time to save him. Vegeta Xeno, noting just how much power Cumber has, begrudgingly agrees to use the Potara because they are out of options.
The two Super Saiyan 4s then fuse into the power Super Saiyan 4 Vegito, a first for the franchise. Vegito is the first one in the promotional series so far, and he’s able to battle against Cumber in his Super Saiyan form. Super Saiyan 4 Vegito lands a decisive blow toward the end of the episode as he charges a Kamehameha Wave and blasts Cumber away.
Cumber manages to hold it back slightly with ki blasts of his own, but he’s eventually overwhelmed and blasted into the wall of the Prison Planet. This demonstration of power completely breaks the walls of the Prison Planet, but unfortunately also burns through the Potara energy. The two Super Saiyan 4s are split by the end of the episode, but fans are waiting to see what comes next as the main timeline Goku prepares for a big comeback.
If you’re unaware of this arcade game, Super Dragon Ball Heroes is the latest digital card fighting game and the top earner in the digital card arcade scene in Japan. Developed by Dimps, the update brought enhanced graphics and the ability to play as seven characters at the same time and provides all sorts of fantastic fan-service never seen in the original series. Fans are hoping the game eventually makes its way to the West as well in some form.
For those curious about the promotional anime series based on the game, the fifth episode of Super Dragon Ball Heroes is currently live and is titled “The Mightiest Warrior! Super Saiyan 4 Vegito.” The translated synopsis for the episode reads as such:
“As Goku and co. are in a jam, Goku Xeno and Vegeta Xeno come to their aid, having noticed the change in the Prison Planet. To counter Cumber’s bottomless power, the two use the Potara to fuse! It’s the explosive birth of the mightiest warrior!”