Digimon Survive is the next big game from the digital monsters franchise, following the popular Digimon Cyber-Sleuth that released on both the Playstation 4 and PS Vita. As fans clamored for any news about the upcoming video game, Bandai promised that some big news would be coming down the pike about the game itself and that arrival date is now! Bandai Namco has released a 15 minute promotional video interviewing the game’s producer Kazamasu Habu and assistant producer Katsuaki Tsuzuki as they dive into what this new game is about.
Videos by ComicBook.com
So what kind of game is Digimon Survive? As the promotional video details, it’s the latest Digimon installment akin to an adventure game mixed with the role playing mechanic of Final Fantasy Tactics. The producers of the series took into account what parts of the franchise were most appealing to the fans of both the east and west, keeping in mind that the Digimon Adventure anime series was beloved in the US and Europe. Keeping this in mind, they tried to apply that same feeling from the series into a new video game installment that we now see with Survive.
The game, which is being developed for the Sony Playstation 4, Microsoft Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch will be releasing later this year, though the specific date is still under wraps. The game itself is hoping to be successful with Digimon fans around the world, featuring fan favorite monsters and incorporating evolution into the battle system.
Are you excited to play Digimon Survive? What would you like to see featured in the upcoming action RPG? Let us know in the comments or feel free to hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.
“Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Digimon anime, Digimon Survive presents a brand-new adventure set in a mysterious world with characters designed by Uichi Ukumo, and music by the much-acclaimed Tomoki Miyoshi.
“Digimon Survive sees a brand-new group of teenagers, led by Takuma Momozuka, get lost on a school camping trip, finding them transported to a strange new world of monsters and danger. As they fight their way back home through an animated world of difficult decisions and deadly battles, players’ choices throughout the game will impact the evolution of their monster allies, and the final ending. Battles in the game are fought in 2D, in a more classic SRPG style.”
The Digimon series was originally conceived by Bandai, Toei Animation, and WiZ in 1997 as a way to capitalize on the virtual pet craze sparked by Tamagotchi. The franchise focus on its titular “Digital Monsters,” monsters that live in a parallel, digital world that came from mankind’s technology. The franchise had its first anime adaptation, Digimon Adventure, which focuses on a group of children known as the DigiDestined (or “Chosen Children” in Japan) that are transported to the world of Digimon and have to fight the various evil digital beasts that roam the land.